Abandoned Castle, Fallen King

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His walls, carefully built, higher and higher, till no longer could he see anyone who stood beside him

"Tobio, you know I'm doing this for you right?"

An excited nod, a small smile

Mask is tight, covering everything, including his own being

"Don't be ungrateful Tobio"

A scowl and cold eyes,

He looked so much like her

Torn apart, he no longer knew how to fix himself

"It's all for you Tobio"

A small smile, different from her usual indifference

No longer recognizing the remaining pieces of who he once was

"I wish you were never born!"

A glass thrown to the wall next to him,

It shattered, he cried

No longer the person he once knew

"Ungrateful children don't deserve to be loved Tobio"

A cold winter breeze brushing against his face,

Caressing his face as he shivered

It was humorous when it eventually came crumbling down, how a single sentence from his soulmate had him breaking down; screaming and crying, begging for it to be a lie...

Not meeting his eyes, rejection filling his being, pulling him apart... it burned, and yet all he saw was a turned back, getting further away, he fell to his knees

When the walls broke, he expected to find himself alone once again as he let them break and fall, piece by piece

He ran home, tears filling his eyes, blood adorning his hands and knees,

He screamed, it hurt

His heart was in pain, it burned until the flame gave out.

He didn't want to remember, he wanted to forget and be freed, he didn't want to feel this pain that's consuming him,

A dull ache remained, he opened his eyes, expecting to see scorn

He feels tired

And yet, all he met was the tears of those who held him as he fell from his throne

Unwanted by his mother and soulmates, Was he so unwanted?

His crown fell, his castle was in ruin and yet he found himself no longer alone in a lonely castle, it all came crashing down and yet the closed gates opened

They didn't have reason, nor logic, simply turning their backs on him

He found himself alone, he resented them,

They made him resent himself

And yet.. When both he and they expected no hope to remain

The walls, once high-cast, slowly rebuilt but no longer was he alone

He found himself loved once more.

Stepping outside, he looked around, looking for any familiar faces before a loud screech rivalling an emu, his only warning before he was picked up and hugged tightly into a hard chest.

"Tobio!!!"His uncle's scream filled his ears as he was spun around in strong arms as though he weighed nothing, which honestly was fair.

He was pretty sure his uncle was part hulk though the only thing was, they were in front of the public and it was embarrassing

"Nakamura-san, it's nice to see you too but could you please put me down?" Tobio cringed as he patted his uncle's arm, embarrassed to be held up as though he were a young child in front of so many eyes.. Just because he was an attention whore didn't mean he didn't get embarrassed.

A chuckle was heard to his right, before his sadistic manager stepped into view, "Tobio-sama I'm sure Nakamura-sama has missed you, don't be so mean."

He turned his head slightly, glancing at the man as his scowl fitted into place when he noticed Akahiro-san's amused smile was gracing his lips. "How rude, especially for a manager, you don't think?", he commented.

At his words, Akahiro-san simply snorted as Tobio's scowl deepened, still from his perch in his uncles buff arms, "with all due respect Tobio-sama, I've known you since you cultivated for obsessive milk love, I doubt you'd fire me for backing up your uncle who's simply doting", came his smooth reply, a smirk gracing his lips.

Tobio wanted to strangle him, and not in the kinky way his fox of a cousin wants to be, yet he stayed quiet, unable to retort the annoying man's claim.

His uncle did eventually end up putting him down when he received a call and rushed (sulked) after whining and pouting like a petulant child.

A few minutes later and now they were seated in the car, driving towards Tobio's house, his family understood that for all their wanting to see him, he was tired and they were busy.

Naturally, his mother had vouched her complaints on this and only opted to meet on the following day after he promised a mother-son day at the amusement park when they both had time.

After a few quiet minutes of window watching, his manager spoke up from the driver's seat to the right, ''You've been in Japan for a few weeks now, how do you feel?"

"There's no change at all."

"Naturally, it wouldn't change in a few months," Akahiro-san answered him.

"Yeah, but it's just so.. Strange."

At this, Akahiro-san lifted a brow, meeting Tobios eyes in the mirror briefly before turning back to the road, without even saying so, Tobio knew he was asking for elaboration.

"It's different there, in Miyagi, '' he said.

And if it was different in Miyagi, everything he wanted to escape, wanted to run from was there. To see them again, to meet them, to look at them and god forbid, to speak to them again but he knew the prospect of confrontation was unavoidable, no matter how much he wanted not to go through with it.

Tobio wasn't afraid, the thought of meeting them didn't have him trembling; quaking in his own boots, he simply didn't want to face them.

After all, no one wants to reopen a badly written book, simply choosing to leave it in its own corner, after the last chapter closes. Forgotten and covered in dust, and in more ways than one, that was what his soulmates were to Kageyama Tobio.

He wanted them to be left behind, forgotten in a part of his heart he chose to ignore. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm tryna mass upload all my chapters from ao3 onto wattpad so this will be the only note I'll be writing until I start uploading new chapters but please feel welcome to comment and leave feedback! 

Let me know what you enjoyed, what you'd like to see, just go free with comments aha! I hope these following chapters, alongside this one, meet your standards. 

Hope you have lovely days/nights wherever you are! 

- Aria

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