Nostalgia Mixed With Tears

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Kentarou ended up passing out when he finished vomiting which caused him to almost fall directly into the tub aka directly into his vomit when he'd tried to stand. Tobio had started laughing again when he saw it, which resulted in him vomiting again until he was sure he'd spewn everything he ate during dinner and more.

His uncle and Bokuto-san took a foot each and dragged an unconscious Kentarou out of the bathroom while Tobio hobbled out of the bathroom, holding onto Keiji for dear life, who was his only life support stopping him from making out with the floor.

Eventually he hobbled his way back into the family room, noticing his dad was on his second? Third? Maybe a fourth glass of wine, looking immensely amused, his lips curling up when he saw Tobio walk in.

"You look like shit." Blunt as always.

Tobio was about to answer when, " of course he does, he took inspiration from you Kaito" his mother chimed in.

God he loved her, even Keiji snorted when she spoke.

His dad's jaw dropped open as he looked at his mom in shock, Sakuzki-san took it as an opportunity to put a dog treat into his dad's mouth, closed it shut and then she took off running.

His dad blinked, processed what just happened and then proceeded to spit it out before taking off after her, ensuring to grab a treat of his own to stuff into her mouth.

His aunt just laughed, jumping over furniture in an attempt to dodge his attacking hands, making fun of him as she did so.

"Kami you're so slow Kaito-chan! You must be so disappointing in the bedroom!!".

Tobio watched his Mom just shake her head as she watched the two's antics, "she'd be shocked about how wrong she is", he heard her murmur.

Gross. He did not want to imagine that.

Keiji had left at some point since Tobio found himself alone with his Mom as she handed him some water which he greedily scarfed down, Tobio felt the coach dip, placing the glass down on the coaster before turning to face her.

She had in her hand? What? Why was it so large??

"Kaa-san?" She wasn't looking at Tobio.

He tried again, "Kaa-san? Is everything okay?"

"Tobio" Oh, it's serious, she almost never calls him by his full given name, always opting for nicknames.

Tobio looked at her intently but stayed silent, he felt like she needed it.

"I'm proud of you." Huh? Tobio was going through a reboot, why was she saying this?

Not that he didn't know, he did but Tobio was confused on why she was saying it.

"We both are kid", his dads both sounded from the other side, Tobio turned when he felt the coach dip on the free side.

"I know..Are you going to assassinate me?"

Tobio was genuinely curious, if he was going down, he at least wanted to go down in style.

At this his mom let out a wet chuckle before she faced him, grabbing his hand.

His dad let out a dry chuckle as she did so, "Not quite an assination Tobio, if we were to kill you, it would be murder, assinations are for policitical or religious reasons". What if he had a god complex though?

He was about to ask when, "Did you find what you were looking for honey?", ah.

Tobio knew what this was about. She was worried, and without even looking, Tobio knew his dad was too.

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