Iwazumi Hajime POV - The Genius Known As Kageyama Tobio #1

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Iwazumi Hajime POV

Eyes that resembled blueberries, framed by ebony hair resembling the feathers of a raven. His silky straight locks which would always fall over his forehead and chubby cheeks while framing those beautiful ocean eyes.

His skin was fair, Snow White herself would've been jealous of the baby faced Kageyama Tobio who had shining eyes and a cheerful smile always on his small face, running towards him with an excited "Iwaizumi-senpai!".


He always saw how that face fell when he'd run up to Trashykawa, the same shining eyes and cheerful eyes with a wide yet hesitant grin asking "Oikawa-senpai, could you teach me your serve?" He admired Tooru and Hajime saw that.

Yet he also saw the scowl which was always permanent on Oikawa's face, the scornful look in his eyes when he looked at the cheerful Kageyama, his smile turning cold when he spoke to the happy and oh so innocent Kageyama who thought that if he asked again, his 'Oikawa-senpai' would stop looking at him with such distaste.

Hajime saw all of this. And he ignored it.

He stood by and watched it.

Watched the eyed smile and shining blue eyes fade, turn dull.

Saw Tooru berate and chide Kageyama who continued to look at him with admiration and longing.

Saw Kageyama watch Tooru interact with other underclassmen, saw the way his face fell, his bangs covering the eyes which only shone when they'd look at him and Tooru, casting a shade over the younger's face.

He saw it all. And he let it happen.

Let Tooru alienate Kageyama, watch the rest of their team alienate Kageyama.

They didn't want to get on their captain's bad side after all. Oikawa-senpai to them was so kind so if he wasn't nice to Kageyama then it must've been Kageyama who did something right?


He knew Tooru was insecure, he knew that.

Knew his soulmate saw the skills of Kageyama and while at awe first, he soon began to fear them.

Monsters clawing at Tooru's mind, pushing him, scaring him, making him think that Kageyama was a liability. He knew it, and he held his soulmate on the nights he cried, pouring his worries onto Hajime.

Kageyama Tobio was a genius after all. He probably didn't experience Tooru's fears.

The younger had so much natural skill that he'd probably never done as he'd seen Tooru do. Tooru who pushed himself until strain, until his knee hurt, Tooru who kept pushing himself, sweat shining on his skin. Tooru who cried into his shirt, wretching sobs sounding around the room.

Kageyama was a genius. He probably never worked as hard. Wrong .

Tooru was insecure, he worked so hard and Hajime both loved and hated it.

He held his soulmate when Tooru covered a new skill or milestone and scolded him when he'd pushed too far.

So yes he saw it and he ignored it.

After all, Oikawa Tooru was his soulmate and Kageyama Tobio was not.


Kageyama probably never experienced struggle or pushed himself like Tooru. Wrong .

He'd seen Kageyama at volleyball practice, also at awe of the swift movements of the younger, the way his body moved, the way his sets flew, precision always on point. He didn't have it hard. Wrong .

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