Reminiscence Of The Past - Part 1

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When Tobio thinks about it, soulmates were common talk in his life.

A normal topic that was always brought up and spoken about in one way or another.

Whether it was through ads or the fairy-tales Miwa would read to him during the dark nights when thunder had Tobio trembling under the covers, it was safe to say Tobio was well-aware of soulmates and the hype they carried.

He'd always found soulmates fascinating, well who wouldn't right?

The overly romanticised image of a life-partner or partners that have been picked by the universe, many people like to believe an omniscient being picked the partners while others try to explain it with science yet no matter the truth and the lies, no one has been able to find an answer.

It doesn't really change much though, either way; whether it be science or an omniscient being, from young to old, soulmates are a common topic and just as it did for everyone else, as he'd grown older, talks of soulmates had always surrounded Tobio.

With kids wondering who their future partner would be, to dreamers pre-designing their life with an imaginary partner who had yet to come to life; it was safe to say that even Tobio had wondered of his soulmate.

While it wasn't always the case that people ended up with their "designed" life-partner, there wasn't really a stigma towards being someone apart from the one "designed" for you, soulmates were a sort of exaverandza that almost every person looked forward to at some point in their life. It wasn't any different for Kageyama Tobio.

After all, with his parents flaunting their affection to watching, and even being used as middle-ground for, Akahiro-san who was desperately pursuing his stubborn uncle when he was younger then later having to witness Miwa's lovey-doveyness with her own partner, Alix, Tobio couldn't stop himself from imagining the dream that was soulmates.

Especially since you could find a soulmate anywhere, at any time, there'd never had been a designed date for it. And with that thought in mind, Tobio had started his middle school year; a year he wished he could rid himself off for the remainder of his life.

Whether it had been for better or for worse, on his first day, through unprecedented events; Tobio had made friends relatively quickly, hanging out with them throughout the day as he racked up his confidence for the volleyball trials later that afternoon.

Kazuyo had said that the team at the school was good, it's why Tobio had gone.

After all, Tobio trusted his grandpa a lot, Kazuyo was never wrong!

However, once again, for better or for worse, it turned out that his new friends were also trialing for the sport. The realization had immediately stumped any negative thoughts Tobio had, putting an end to the nervous bubbling.

As he'd walked into the court, looking around with wide-eyes at all the people who had come; watching as balls bounced off from underwhelming receives before they reciociated off of the wooden walls, Tobio couldn't hold back the stars in his eyes as he listened to Kindaichi talk with enthusiasm, his head bobbing up and down as he wowed at their surroundings just as Tobio and Kunimi were.

They were stopped in their gawking though, when a whistle suddenly blew and the senpai's began ushering them over into a straight line and trials began in full swing.

When his turn had come around, Tobio had immediately switched gears, putting his head in the mindset that grandpa had taught him to do so he would have full focus on what was happening in court.

Kentarou always said that while Keiji was more like someone who played chess with the players, planning his every move as he moved the pieces through to checkmate; Tobio was more like a machine who had an on/off switch when it came to his 'mindset'.

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