Bad Memories

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She was screaming. Tobio was scared.

Why was she angry?

Pulling her hair, yelling, shouting, her eyes looking around frantically, tears running down as she threw things around.

Tobio stood near the wall, shaking as he looked at her with frightened eyes.

His little hands clutching his shirt into fists as he stayed glued to the wall, trying to remain as small as possible.

She kept saying it was his fault.

Tobio didn't get it.

He did everything she said.

Was he bad?

Did he forget something?

He tried to be good.

"Mama.." His voice trembled as he tried to get her attention.

Tobio wanted the yelling to stop.

She spun around suddenly looking at him, "You.. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! WHY WHY WHY !"

Him? What did he do? Why what? Mama was scary.

He never got any answers.

Glass was thrown to the wall next to him, Tobio screamed.

He was scared.


Tobio woke up, sitting up with a jolt, gasping as he gulped down air.

Begging for his heart to stop beating. Begging for it to stop.

The memory was so fresh that it kept repeating in his head.

The screams and the yells. Her angry eyes, glaring at him. Always at him. The glass being thrown, the cries and tears that fell. Her blames and her cold eyes. It was always at him.

He looked so much like her.

Sweat shone on his skin as he rested his head on his knees. Nightmares were never fun.

Why did he remember her? Why now? Fuck .

He willed for his breathing to stabilize, for his heart to calm down. Willed for the memory to go away. "Mama" he'd said. What a joke. Kageyama Ichika was his mom, not her. Never her. Tobio refused.

Glancing over at the clock, it read a little over 5am. Double fuck.

School starts at 8:30am, he has 3 hours and knowing him, he wouldn't be getting any extra sleep. Not after that.

Goddamn it. Tobio stood up, walking towards his wardrobe, might as well go on a run.

Exercise always helped him get things off his mind. When he was still playing at least, Tobio hoped it hadn't changed.

He glanced out the window briefly, it was a day like this during her outburst.

He couldn't even remember what it was about. Another inconvenience that she blamed on a barely 3 year old. That day, Tobio was unable to admire the clear skies, the dark clouds in her eyes had overshadowed any light that shone from outside.

Shaking his head, he walked inside to change.. It's okay, at least he could now.

Tobio was running. Why the hell was he running? He hated exercise.

...That was a lie. Or maybe it wasn't?

But still, who runs at 5:15 am on a Monday?

Apparently he did.

The life of an emotionally unstable gay who's married to milk aWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt