Not Even A Moment Of Peace

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After the events of the weekend, Tobio's throat felt hoarse and his eyes dry, stinking each time he blinked. But even so, he felt as though it were worth it. Sure he, Kunimi and Kindaichi spent majority of the time apologising and crying until all their eyes were swollen red like walnuts, and sure Tobio couldn't talk because he'd cried himself to the point of having a cold but still, Tobio got to laugh with them again. He'd always avoided admitting it but he missed them. He'd missed the way Kindaichi could chatter on and on, forgetting to breathe while Kunimi would be a silent presence next to Tobio, reminding Kindaichi to slow down when his words per minute got a bit too fast to be comprehensive.

..At least that's what Tobio wished he could say.

Don't get him wrong, he IS happy that they'd spent the weekend together, talking, making jokes, being playful together after so long, though they did spend the majority of the time sobbing... And he IS happy that they got to make up as well as properly communicate (though he does find it a bit embarrassing and regrettable that they didn't think to do so before, he wishes he could give his younger self that word of advice but you live and you learn). So yes, Tobio IS happy from the events of the weekend.

BUT what he isn't happy about is the presence lingering next to his bed as he lays here in his most vulnerable state, helpless as he is forced to cater to the pestering fly-like presence that is Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime. Tobio can't get even a moment of peace, can he?

Now lets do a recap, it all started when Tobio had woken up and in short, he'd felt like shit. In accordance with Kentarou's words, "ew, why do you look like that ?", he seemed to look the part as well. Though, despite his cousin's incredibly blunt remark, the other began fussing over Tobio like a mother-hen, and suddenly, under the ushering of Kentarou, Tobio had become no more than a burrito after being wrapped in copious layers of blankets, Kentarou having left after nagging Tobio for 10 minutes straight.

"Remember to take your meds." Okay.

"You can take an adult dosage of panadol, its 2 tablets and no more." I know.

"Every 4 hours, it's about 6:30 now, so keep that in mind." Mhmm.

"Remember to eat. I put food in the fridge, just heat it up." Yep, I will. Thanks.

"Actually, text me pictures of your food." Why?

"Because I don't trust you." Right..

"Stay warm." Aye aye.

"I'm going now okay?" Yep, cya.

"You better keep in mind what I said!" Mhmm, enjoy practice.

"Text me pictures!" I will I will! You nag harder than ma, now goooo!

And with THAT his cousin had finally left the room after a final look at Tobio.

After that, Tobio laid in bed for what was maybe a good 30 minutes before the drowsy effect of the panadol kicked in and his eyes began to feel heavy. He felt like he'd had the best sleep of his life after having not slept both Saturday and Sunday night after Kunimi decided to force the 3 of them to watch "Ring". Safe to say, he and Kindaichi did not have the best night while Kunimi got many new emoticons on his phone from the copious amounts of pics he took of him and Kindaichi screaming at each jumpscare.

(Tobio doesn't think he'll ever get over the embarrassment of holding Kindaichi's hand when they need to pee, Kunimi short on their tails with his phone whipped out.)

However, what he hadn't expected was that when he woke up, he'd meet a pair of brown eyes just a few centimetres from his face, creepy staring down at him.

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