"I'm sure I'll be fine... i think..." she briefly looked up to catch a glimpse of the darkening sky, he followed her eyes and instantly looked back down before shaking his bag, jacket and flannel shirt off,

"Come on, just take one of them, i-i don't want the chief of police's daughter freezing" he lowly chuckled,

she gave him a stale look and pinched the flannel shirt from his hands, throwing it on. "Happy Sir Byers?"

he furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head "I- uh i suppose..."



The school day was over pretty quickly and Jim Hopper was sat in his cop car just opposite the gate, waiting, she tried to sneak past him, not wanting to face what ever argument he'd put up about the night before and her not being there, but he blared the siren, forcing her to turn on her heel and get into the car,

"Heyyy dad..." she said awkwardly,

"Yeah, where were you last night then hm?" He took a quick look at her, spotted the flannel and sighed "is that Byers? Actually i dont need to ask, of course it is" he chuckled


"You know I've wanted to ask you something for a while now. What the hell is going on between the two of you?" He sighed, driving the narrow roads,

"Nothing, we're friends. We haven't seen each other for a year so we had some catching up to do i guess, and then it got late so he offered for me to stay. and i stayed."

he shook his head "Stiles and I waited up for you,"

"Well I hope you two enjoyed your extra portion of KFC" she shrugged,

"I didn't get it, he called saying you went out and probably won't be back for food. So we had sandwiches"


"Yeah. I was thinking, well if you were coming home- we'd have it tonight..."

She smiled over at him, "yeah, let's have it tonight"

"Promise me you won't dart off?"

"I promise dad" she chuckled, shaking her head. The rest of the driving was filled by the loud music and the sound of the road.

When the two got to the trailer they instantly turned to do their own things, Mia stomping into the bedroom to read whilst Jim instantly started on his paperwork.
It was about an hour after she got home when the radio started buzzing, Will's faint voice coming from inside the drawer,

"Mia, do you copy? Over"

"Yeah hey will, everything ok? Over" she panicked slightly, being startled by the sudden call,

"Everything is fine! I just want to talk to you, over"

She furrowed her eyebrows putting the book to the side, ".... Um, ok? What about? Over"

"Jonathan. Over"

"What about him? Over"

"Well; it's about you and him... I-I just want to know if there's something, maybe I don't know, going on between you, like your in love! Or something? Over"

She let out a heavy sigh and a laugh "No definitely nothing like that buddy. why are your asking? Over"

"Well you slept over last night, and I was talking to mike in school today and he said that the only people who sleep over with Nancy are Barb and Steve, and you know that Nancy and Steve and boyfriend and Girlfriend so i thought that maybe you and Jonathan were too? Over"

"Yeah I uh, seriously will, there isn't anything romantic going on between us, ok? You don't need to worry, over" she slightly chuckled,

"No! No I wasn't worried, I would actually be very happy if there was something. Over"

"Well, there isn't ok? And there wont be, so... just don't think about it, alright? Over"

"Ok, I was just wondering anyway. I needed to get that off of my mind before going to mikes! Over"

"Oh cool, another d&d session? or is it the same one? Over"

"Its the same, we didnt get to finish last night... Will I see you tomorrow? Over" he asked, she could hear the hopefulness in his voice,

"I'll see if I can come ok?, have fun at you campaign, over"

"I will!! Over and out!"

Mia smiled happily as she kept the radio, grabbing her book from off the bed and getting lost into it once again.

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