"I'm sorry ma'am! Can I help you?" asked a young man working at the other desk.

"Yes, my husband got me that cat, and it looks weird. I don't want it. Take it back!" she demanded.

"Did he get the cat here?" the man asked.

"Well, I don't know!" the bitch screamed.

Since nobody seemed to be paying attention, I opened the top of the shoebox and peeked inside. I fell in love in an instant. Big blue eyes and giant ears on a hairless black head stared up at me. The little cat cocked its head at me and let out the tiniest "mew" ever.

I had found my animal.

"I'll take it, so you don't have to worry about it," I announced.

"Good! I don't want that beast anywhere near my house!" The woman flounced out of the shelter and left us all staring in shock.

"That woman has no business owning a pet." I just shook my head sadly, knowing that her husband would no doubt find some other poor animal that would meet her crazy standards.

"Would you like us to give the cat a checkup?" the woman asked.

"Yes please. I'll still pay the adoption fee too, I want to make sure there is a paper trail in case she comes back, and the shelter should get money to take care of the other pets."

It took an hour for the on site vet to look over my new kitty, and at that point I was free to take them home. "It looks like you have an adorable little girl here. She was microchipped, but the previous owner never filled it in, so we updated it to your information. She's a sphynx cat, and I put a pamphlet in there to learn how to care for her. As you can tell, she is hairless, so you'll need to do things like weekly baths to make sure her skin stays healthy, and you'll want to keep her warm, though that won't normally be a big issue here in LA."

Weekly baths? That sounded awesome! "I can do that, I'll take great care of her, I promise!"

"Do you have a name for her?"

"So, she would be Egyptian?" I wanted to confirm that, because I had a great name.

"Actually, the first was from Canada, but the name is Egyptian. So, an Egyptian name would be fine," the vet explained.

"Then I think her name would be Queen Nefertiti!" I exclaimed, lifting her gently and feeling her purr into my chin. She was such a great snuggler already!

I had to ride very slowly back to the condo, because I wanted to make sure that my little kitty was nice and safe, and then once she was safe, I ran back out to the store to get her a cat litter box, litter, food, and a bowl. She would be pampered as any queen should! I couldn't fit a cat tree on my bike, so I ordered that online. Then I changed my mind and got her a second one. I could put one on each side of the house and that way she could get the morning or afternoon sun. I'd make sure she was the happiest kitty ever.

Once we were settled in, and the little queen was done exploring for now, I picked her up and placed her in the space between my arm and ribs, where she happily curled up and started purring. I had the biggest smile on my face as my heart swelled with love for my new little girl. I quickly took a selfie with my little girl and sent it to Ava.

Me – Hey! Look! You can see my Titty! (I know her name is Queen Nefertiti, but Titty will for sure be her nickname!)

Ava – OMG! She is adorable! Do you need a cat sitter? I might have to catnap her! Is it wrong I thought you might have been drunk and sending me topless photos?

Me – No! She is my Queen and I will carry her in a palanquin to keep her paws from ever being sullied by dirt!

Me – And based on my recent drunken past, a topless photo would be relatively realistic. I'm glad I didn't.

Ava – Ha! I got to see your Titty before anyone else!

Me – True! But I'm putting her out on Insta now so the whole world will see my Titty!

Ava – You're shameless!

Thank god for Ava. I was so glad to have had her in my corner when I hit rock bottom, otherwise I would have kept digging and digging till I found even lower depths to crawl into. I wonder if she would ever want to jump out of a plane? Typing quickly, I posted the same picture of my adorable Titty on my Instagram feed, and then decided to find out.

Me – Hey. Feel like doing something totally stupid?

Ava – Does it involve holding your Titty?

Me – You're never going to stop making jokes like that, are you?

Ava – Absolutely not! I can't get enough of your Titty!

Me – Fine. If you behave, I'll let you do whatever you like with my Titty. But you have to jump out of a plane with me.

Ava – I'm in. Name the time and place!

Fuck yeah!

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