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Dimitri had gone home.

My sister was furious,

and, I...I was alone.

Hopefully he asks his father about all of our wedding planning stuff.

This is a nightmare.

Dimitri's POV

I walked through the halls, to reach fathers study.

I truly don't know what came over me.

Y/n so close in my arms.

Am I ready for this?

Is marriage the right choice?

I took in a deep breath before knocking on the door to his study.

"Come in" I heard faintly from behind the door.

"Father," I said. He turned towards me.

"What is it son?"

"When is the wedding planning starting?"

Father looked up from his paper work. "It has already started," he stood up, "it's been going on a month or so before your engagement to  Y/n." He stepped out of his desk.

I took a few steps forwards.

"Wow," I stood there shocked, "before we even knew," letting out a light chuckle.

"Was that all you wanted?" He stepped infront of me.

"Yes," I said, "I'll take my leave now."

Before I closed the door I turned around again, "actually father" I said catching his attention again, "what about Y/n dress?"

"Ah yes!" He clasped his hands together, "her father is taking care of that, from what he's told me her mother will take her dress shopping," a wide grin plastered on his face, approving of my worry if only wedding.

"Thank you sir" I smiled back and left.

This isn't what I had expected.

This isn't how I thought my life would lead to.

When they adopted me from the orphanage.

I thought I was going to be a servant boy again.

Not this.

Anything but this.

This was unimaginable.

Time skip

Your POV

Dimitri is coming over today.

It's been eight days since we last spoke.

I expected a letter, but...nothing.

He is so infuriating!

Why hasn't he written to me?

Men are such ass holes!

Is he illiterate or something?

Can't he write to me?!

I got up from where I was sitting.

My sister, Rose, was on the other side of the library reading.

I saw what she was reading one of my books on mythology, a part of me wants to think she's genuinely interested in it but she only ever reads it when Dimitri is coming over.

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