Chapter 14

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"Ok I'm done" Thalia smiled.

"So. What should be we do?" Dimitri asked.

"I don't have very much to do, I have books and sketch books and paint" I sighed.

Dimitri got up. I looked him up and down.

His hair, it's messy. He'll need to fix it before we go back downstairs.

His shirt slipped down a little more but his tie covered him before I could look down anymore.


Men are such whores. He doesn't have to do that.

He walked behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I shivered as he touched me, "your hands are cold" I turned back a little to tell him.

Get your hands off me. I am a lady, not one of your toys.

"I know a way to warm them up" he whispered in my ear. "We also have time to kill."

"What do you mean Dimitri?" Playing innocent.

I'm not stupid, I know what he's talking about.

"I mean we can have some fun" he whispered.

"But I'm already dressed" turning around to face him.

"Oh ok" he says and gets up.

Watching as he went to my vanity buttoning up his shirt and fixing his tie.

He brushes his hands through his hair fixing it.

"I feel like I missed something, like just now" I played dumb once more.

"Yeah you did" Dimitri turned around to tell me and turned back to the mirror.

"What did you wanna do then?" I ask.

"It's nothing" Dimitri shrugged.

"Well if it's nothing then" I paused, "why don't you tell me?"

"Because it's not important."

"Then tell me."

"I don't have to" he walked back over.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes, "can you hand me my sketchbook?"

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I asked and you're already up, it's on my bed side table" pointing to the direction of where it should be.

God why is he questioning me.

"Hmm ok" Dimitri nodded and went to get it.

I watched him do so, he opened it flipping through the pages.

"Fairies huh?" He says. "And frogs?" Dimitri looks up at me. "Moths."

"They're pretty are they not?"

"It's not what I expected," he chuckled awkwardly showing me the sketch of toads in suits having tea.

Fucks that supposed to mean.

"Shut up they're polite young men," I snatched it from his hands.

"Uh huh" he straightens himself. "And the fairies are naked?" he says. "That's a little weird."

"It's only weird if you make it weird" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ok then" he said.

Why do men sexualized everything.

"What is it that you draw then if you're so judgmental of my art" I told him.

"Well you know gardens animals portraits" he said. "The normal stuff."

"That's real offensive of you to say," audibly scoffing.

He shrugged.

Rolling my eyes and started to draw a different scene of toads and fairies at a ball.

Dimitri grabbed a book from my shelf and started to read.

"So Dimitri" I broke our silence. "You're Russian" I look up at him.

He peeks his head from the book. "How did you know?" He asked.

"Your accent. It's very noticeable," I pointed out to him.

"Oh I'm sorry it-" "don't be sorry Dimitri" I smiled.

He smiled back.

"So why did you guys move from Russia?" I asked.

"Aha we didn't move from Russia I was adopted" he said.

"You're adopted?!" I put my sketchbook down.

He nods. "Yup."

"What happened then?" I asked.

"Well I used to work in the palace, and after the Romanovs were killed, actually not all of them were killed, the empress is still alive and she's in Paris!" He told me.

"Oh wow I never knew that."

"And I helped Anastasia and the empress escape through a servants door, but then the empress lost Anastasia" he looked down as if it were his fault, "so I was sent back to the orphanage they brought me from and Mr and Mrs. Le Blanc adopted me."

"Oh" I sighed, "at least you're doing better now hopefully right?" Trying to comfort him.

"Yeah actually I've been doing way better," he smiled.

"That's good" I smiled and went back to drawing.

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