Chapter 16

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Rose wasn't next to me though. Raphael was.

"Where's Rose?" Dimitri asked through his teeth.

"Next to father" Raphael pointed next to our father.

"I see."

The girl sat shamefully next to our father.

Her dad aura engulfed me.

Seeing her that way made me angry, none of this should've happened.

He shouldn't have kissed me.

I looked at Dimitri he still seemed furious.

For whatever reason. It's his fault we're in this mess.

His jaw was clenched and his fists were turning white.

"Dimitri" I called firmly.

He turned his head towards me, softening.

"You shouldn't be the one upset," my glare pierced him, "it's your fault all this happened," I scoffed.

Dimitri sighed, "ok" he grabbed my hand, "I'm sorry," his eyes pleaded with mine.

"Gross" Raphael gagged.

"Yeah" I retracted my hand from Dimitri's, "this is gross."

I felt eyes burning on my skin.

Looking over, I knew that glare.

Rose was glaring at me, as if she wanted me dead.

Giving her the most emphatic look, hoping that it'll show her I didn't even want this.

Our food came out.

"So what did you two do in your room?" Rafa spoke up, startling me a little.

"I got changed," I looked over at him.

"I can see that," my brother admired the dress, "you two didn't?" He implied.

"Ew! Gross! No!" I gagged, "absolutely not! Not ever in my life!"

Dimitri seemed hurt by this. More than he should.

"No," he looked towards his friend, "we just drew or read."

"He called my drawings weird,"

"Your drawings aren't weird they're cool! I love your dragon paintings" Raphael said with food in his mouth.

"Rafa don't speak with food in your mouth," I told him, "you know mother is always watching us."

Raphael swallowed his food with a big gulp, "yeah but it's ok" he shrugged.

I sat there patiently waiting for other to finish eating.

I was tired and just wanted to go to my room, throw myself onto the bed and fall asleep.

This is the worst day of my life. I want it to be over, as soon as possible.

"I'm literally stuffed bro," Raphael spoke through his food.

I looked at him disgusted, "gross."

"What? I'm just eating"," he held up his food.

"In a gross way" I rolled my eyes, they landed on Dimitri.

He seemed more put together than my older brother.

I know Rafa is my brother but...couldn't he have some manners?

I started to think about what I wanted to do for the rest of the night.

Planning on going back upstairs, ripping off my clothing and putting my night gown on and falling peacefully onto my bed.

Closing my eyes for a little to think.

I don't want to look at anyone.

I'm tired and I want to go to bed now.

I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I fluttered my eyes open to look at who had tapped my shoulder.

"Oh Dimitri" I smiled, "it was you."

"Umm yes it appears it is me" he chuckled lightly, "I saw you close your eyes for a while now."

"Yes it seems it has been a while."

Dimitri smiled nervously, as if a child were to have done something wrong.

"I ran upstairs to your bedroom and grabbed you another book, I know it doesn't make sense but I'll need you to be awake for later this evening," he handed me a book and sat back down.

"A Midsummers night dream by William Shakespeare" I chuckled. "Have you read it?"

Dimitri nodded. "I have, have you?"

"I haven't yet, I never got around to it but I guess tonight is the night I should start it."

Opening up the book I silently read for a while more, waiting for everyone to finish eating.

What does he mean by "needing me awake for later this evening?" This doesn't make any sense.

I sat up and looked at Dimitri.

Father would've told me if we did have anything going on.

Questions filled my head.

I kept thinking of all possible things in which Dimitri had meant.

Someone tapped my shoulder.

I jumped a little since it had surprised me. I closed the book I was reading, looking up at who had tapped my shoulder.

"Dimitri" I glared, "it was you...again."

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