Chapter 6

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After I finished eating breakfast.

I no longer wanted to be around my sister while she was like this.

What the fuck is wrong with her.

Why would she say that?

Does she actually like Dimitri?

Gross. Whatever, she can have him.

I'm not interested.

"Father may I be excused?" Dimitri asked his dad.

"Oh yes you and Y/n should go on" Mr Le Blanc said.


Me...and Dimitri? Go on?

Go on where?

I looked at father for a protest of any sort.

"Go on" he firmly said.


Dimitri quickly got up, walking around the table to get to me. Helping me up off my chair.

"Thank you."

Not wanting to seem upset at the table.

"Your welcome m'lady" he held his arm out for me to take.

Scoffing silently.

I had to go. I didn't really even have a choice.

Raphael's POV

Y/n and Dimitri walked out together.

"Aw how cute our little sister is growing up," Charlotte teared up.

Rose started hurrying to eat her food now.

"Geez Rose slow down you're gonna throw up if you don't."

What the fuck is up with her.

Why's she acting so weird?

"Shut up," she could barely even say, her face was stuffed to the brim.

"Young lady!" Mother yelled, "that is no way to eat! You are a lady," she glared.

Rose sat back swallowing her food.

She calmed after mother yelled.

Y/n's POV

"So the garden is your favorite huh?" Dimitri asked.

"Yes," I said blandly, uninterested.

Walking a little faster so I could touch the beautiful flowers.

"They're pretty," he coughed to gain my attention, "aren't they?"

"Yes, they are."

"But there's something in this garden that's even more gorgeous than imaginable," he caught up to me.

I felt myself start to heat up.

He was so close to me...a little too close, for modesty, of course.

"What's that Dimitri?" I called him to answer faster.

He still didn't answer.

I looked to him, once I did, I was in a trance.


Shit. Fuck. No.

Not him.


My eyes widened.

"What?!" choking on my own words.

This ain't real.

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