Chapter 12

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Rose turned around. "You scared me" she placed her hand over her chest.

I looked blankly at her, "it's not my place to say but I am disappointed in you," I said walking away.

Looking up to see where Y/n and Dimitri were.

Dimitri had picked Y/n up. "How cute" I smiled.

I heard Rose fall.

I kept walking.

She had seen them as well.

Dimitri's POV

"Oh wow" I said.

"I know I should've started running sooner" his head fell on to his hands.

"It's not your fault" I told him.

"But it is!" He yelled. "If only I was faster Y/n wouldn't be bleeding out down stairs!" He cried.

"Raphael!" I got up, "it's not your fault I was the one who cause this if I didn't kiss your sister then none of this would have happened," walking around the chair I was sitting in.

Your POV

"Y/n" I heard. I looked up. "Have you seen Dimitri?" His sister asked.

I shook my head, "last I saw him Raphael and him were going somewhere to talk privately," I told her obliviously.

"Oh ok," she seemed slightly disappointed in my knowing the whereabouts of her brother, "I'm Christine by the way" she introduced.

"Oh I umm I already knew. I'm Y/n" I smiled.

Christine sat next to me, forgetting about her little brother.

"So Y/n," she caressed my hair.

She's gonna ask how it all went.

"Before all the commotion with your sister happened how was getting to know Dimmy a little?" She asked.


"Well" I started, "it was...alright," looking at the ground, remembering our conversations, "I learned more than I thought I should."

"Ahh I see," she started to braid my hair, "like what?" She asked.

"Uhh," she does not want to know about her brother whoring around, "we like uhh," my mind failing on me, "we like painting!" Something finally landed.

"Oh, that's quite interesting," she commented, seeming interested but also as if she were trying to distract me.

"Yes, it was very surprising to find out."

Christine lightly giggled, "it was for me too."

"What do you do in your spare time dear?"

Oh shit.

I don't do a lot.

Other than read.

Sit in the garden


I study!

"I do my homework! Uhh a lot" I frowned.

That's sad, holy shit that's sad.

"Oh my sweetheart do you not have friends?" Christine comforted.


"I do! But father doesn't let me hangout with them," I looked at her, "especially the ones with brothers."

"Oh dear that's not very good" she sighed.

I sighed with her.

"I know, but I can't go against what my dad says."

"I understand my father was like that" she giggled.

"Really!?" I jumped.

"Mhm" she hummed.

Christine continued to play with my hair.

"If it's not too much of me to ask but do you mind if I know why Rose 'attacked' you" she whispered.

"Because of Dimitri," an exasperated sigh left my lips, "I know it's because of him."

"Oh...i'm sorry," I could feel her demeanor drop.

I fucked up.

Thinking of a way to salvage this, and make it seem like I also had some of the blame.

"It's not like he did it purposely!" I tried saving the conversation, "it's also, fault."

"Oh?" She lightly gasped, finally being able to get something interesting out of me, "how so?"

Letting out the deepest breath, covering my face.

"I let him kiss me" I quietly said.

"What?!" She nearly screamed.

"I know!" I whisper yelled, "I'm so embarrassed, it was my first kiss too how embarrassing!"

"What's embarrassing?" Someone else entered the room.

"Nothing!" Christine and I said.

"It's none of your business Dimmy" Christine teased her brother.

"Don't call me that" Dimitri eyed me, he didn't seem angry he just seemed concerned.

Like the type of concerned face father would give mother the type showing you're in love with the person.

Stop looking at me like that, you're making me uncomfortable.

He can't possibly be in love with me. Not like that, we barely even know each other.

Love is ridiculous.

"Dimmy" I repeated "it's cute," smirking, teasing him at the same time.

"N/n stop teasing Dimitri" Raphael said.
(N/n = Nickname😃)

A visible scowl turned up on my face, an unexpected reaction to my brother popping out of no where.

"What did you boys talk about?" Christine broke our one moment of silence.

"Oh you know important business things" Raphael said.

"Oh yeah sure I bet they were very 'manly' things," she put up air quotations.

One loud laugh came out of me.

"That's not funny Chris."

"Yes it was," she hissed, "even Y/n laughed."

"Well if you ought to know" Dimitri crossed his arms, "we we're talking about the rest of the day," he walked behind me.

"That's lovely" I smiled, "I think I'd like to go to my room for a while" I looked up at everyone.

"I'll go with you" Dimitri came from behind the couch.

"Oh no there's no need" I rejected his offer.

I don't want to be alone with him anymore.

"Y/n I think it's a good idea just in case Rose tries to attack you again," Raphael said.

She didn't attack me.

It was a reaction to this mother fucker.

"Well why don't you come with me then?" I grabbed Rafa's hand.

"And watch my little sister sleep? No I'm good" he laughed, "plus if Rose tried to get to you she'd listen to Dimitri not me."

"That's a great idea!" Mother turned the corner into the room, "Thalia get Y/n a new dress and clean the current one she has on too," she clapped.

"Yes ma'am" Thalia walked in front of us.

"Do you think you can walk?" Dimitri asked.

"I'm sure I'm fine" I reassured him, side eying him.

I don't want him touching me.

Slowly I stood up. Taking a step with my other foot I fell.

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