Chapter 9

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"Raphael" father called. "Go find your sister" he said.

"Yes father" Raphael nodded.

I watched him as he hurried to find his twin.

"Y/n hunny are you ok? Can you walk? Do you need crutches? Is your dress to tight? Do you need me to go fetch you another dress? Are you comfortable? Do you need water?" Mother smothered me with questions.

I love my mother but holt shit.

Space, please.

I need to breathe.

"Mother I'm fine I think it was just the shock that made it hurt really badly" I smiled weakly, y cheeks still wet.

Looking down at Dimitri.

My fucking "savior," if i can even call him that.

He caused all of this.

I'm not going to reap his consequences.

Dimitri was looking at my ankle.

Moving it around.

Closing my eyes and clenched my jaw at the pain.

"Does this hurt?" He looked up at me.

"Yeah, it does dumbass" I spoke through my teeth.

"Language," mother firmly held my hand.

He looked back at my ankle.

"How about this?" He asked moving it the other direction.

Fuck you kid.

You're doing it on purpose.

"A little" I winced but relaxing a little.

He nodded an ok as he sighed.

Moving his hands up my ankle he massaged it.

"Does that feel better?"

He can't do that now.

Not here.

This is too much.

"Yes, it does" I blushed.

"Look how cute they look" I heard my sisters whispering to each other.


Oh my god it's literally not a big deal.

Please shut the fuck up.

Embarrassment laced my entire body.

"They make an adorable couple" they continued whispering.

Looking back at them I glare them down.

"Shut up!" I mouthed to them.

They ran away giggling.

Turning around I saw Dimitri laughing.

"Yes father?" We both heard.

My sister.

"Rose" Dimitri got up.

He didn't turn around to face her.

He just stayed in front of me.

Covering me almost.

She's not going to hurt me.

She'd never do that...right?

"Oh Hii Dimitri!!" She squealed coming towards us.

Dimitri clenched his fist.

It's not a big deal dude. Relax.

She's my sister.

You're the one to blame for this mess.

"Rose" father held out his arm, stoping her from coming any closer, "I need to talk to you" he said.

"Ok daddy but first I wa-" "Now!" He sternly stated.

My sister flinched.

"Yes sir" she looked down at her feet.

Father took her wrist and dragged her with him.

She's in deep shit.

Pity washed over me.

She didn't deserve this.

Dimitri relaxed, "I'm sorry Y/n you don't deserve this," gesturing to me.

"Yeah," scoffing, "you better fucking be."

He's stressed.

He stood in front of me touching his face, dragging his hand along his face.

Dimitri's POV

Y/n doesn't deserve this.

She shouldn't have gotten hurt, this is all my fault.

I shouldn't have fucking kissed her, but I did.

It was amazing.

Warmed washed over me when it happened.

She felt like all I needed.

None of this would have happened if I didn't kiss her though.

We would just be sitting on the swing right now if I just didn't kiss her.

"It's not your fault Dim" Raphael whispered in my ear.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, "but Rose shouldn't have acted the way she did, I'm sorry for cause you any stress," patting my back.

Raphael started walking away.

I took my hand off my mouth.

"Rafa," calling out to him.

My friend turned around. "Could I talk to you for a second."

"Sure man what's up?" He asked.

"No I mean talk to YOU in umm private," gesturing towards an empty hall.

"Oh alright" he said, "follow me then we'll go to my room," leading me to his bedroom.

"So what did you want to talk about that was so important?" Raphael asked.

"Well you see it's uhh Y/n" I scratched the back of my neck.

"What about her?" He questioned, "you didn't touch her...did you?" his demeanor changed into a protectiveness i've never seen from him before.

"No! No i didn't," putting my hands up to calm him, "it's just...I don't know what about her but I just met her and I just feel like I-" "You fell in love with her?" Raphael told me.

How did he?

Was I?

Did I actually fall in love?

"Yeah she has that effect on people," shrugging, "it's one of the reasons why our father has her go to an all girls school," he explained to me, "though it doesn't seem to work even girls go head over heels for her," Rafa laughed.

I laughed with him.

She's a lesbian?

"I can't blame them they have good taste."

"Yeah," Raphael laughed with me.

Once we made it to his room we sat down on the chairs.

"So" he said. "What is it that you wanted to talk about privately?"

"Well has your father," paused to think of what I should say, "uhh told you?"

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