Chapter 7

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A quiet sigh left my lips.

"Yes, Mr. Le Blanc," glazing my eyes over, playing his own game, "I am a virgin."

I'm not a whore like you are.

I know self respect.

Pushing him off me, disgusted with him.

Linking my arm around his, as to not make it seem like all his progress with me vanished.

Also because I knew people were watching us.

I don't want people thinking something happened.

We continued walking together.

Once the tension died down a little.


It started to feel less awkward.

Starting to loosen up, letting go the breaths I didn't know I was holding, the grip I had on Dimitri's arm had loosened.

"Painting is nice" Dimitri said.

I nodded.

"Do you like painting?"

"Sometimes" I let go of my breath, "you?"

"Sometimes as well," reciprocating my response, "I have other things to do so I can't do it as often," I saw him frown, "do you have any paintings?"

At the sudden questioning I felt vulnerable.

"A few," cutting my answer short, "they're at the back of my closet, hidden away from everyone" sighing.

"But mother has one in her and fathers room."

"That's quite nice of your mother."

Mother is nice.

She's caring and warm.

"I also hide my paintings from everyone. Raul tells me that I shouldn't hide mine form people," I could hear the smile on his face.

"Maybe I can show you mine someday and you could show me yours, that's if you feel comfortable" letting his see a painfully weak smile leave my lips.

"That would make sense" he said.

"How would that make sense?"

"I can't tell you now," he forwarded, "I'm sorry Y/n."

"Alright," suspicion grew in me.

What won't he tell me?

"Here come with me" I said pulling him along, distracting myself from my own thoughts.

"Where are we going?"

Childlike giggle escaped from me, "the tree."

"We're going to a tree," Dimitri didn't seem interested.

Picking up on it, "you don't need too," I let go of his hand, stopping in my tracks as well "I understand if you think it's dumb and stupid."

All of a sudden I felt as if i were a child again.

No one wanting to play with me near the trees.

Shunned away from them all because i acted weird.

I acted like everyone else did.

What the fuck is wrong with me then huh?

"No no" he came up to me.

"Whatever it doesn't matter," I walked the rest of the way to the tree.

Dimitri sat next to me.

Looking around, taking in the scenery.

Trying my hardest not to acknowledge him.

Dimitri x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now