136 - DM's (Alyssa and Phoebe)

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Date: October 4, 2015

Are you alright?

Fine, why wouldn't I be?

Can we just please talk about you and Paul?

Lys, I know you better than that to believe that stunt on the group chat was just you messing around.

But it WAS just me messing around.

No, it was you trying to hide how you truly feel about all this.


What's going on?

I just really hate being single... everyone is taken but me! You and Paul now have eachother, Candice and Joseph have eachother, Kristen and Daniel have eachother, Ian and Nikki have eachother, and I'm here... alone and single!

Ahh, I know what this is really about.

You do?

Yep. It's not about you not having anyone, it's about you not having Ian... you're jealous.


I knew it! You regret breaking up with him and now you want him back!

You speak a word of this to anyone (except Candice), you're dead, Phoebe Tonkin!

Roger that 😉

I know it's hard seeing Ian with Nikki, Al...

How about, to make you feel better, Candy and I bump our weekly slumber party up two nights and have it tonight! I think it'll really cheer you up!

Will you remember to bring the ice cream this time?

I won't forget again 🙄 promise!

Okay then :)
You and Candy be here by 6:30, yeah?


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