41 - DM's (Kristen and Justin)

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Date: July 3, 2013

What is going on with you and Daniel Gillies?

Gosh, babe.
No 'are you okay?' or 'I'm here for you❤️'
What a caring boyfriend I have 🙄🙄

Yes, you've been body shamed. We all know and we're all moving on from it.
Now, you and Gillies? Romantic or platonic?

For goodness sake, Justin!
Can you please stop being jealous for two bloody minutes?!

What, so now it's my fault that you and Gillies are getting closer each day?!

We're friends, what's the big deal?

The big deal is that YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH HIM!

You're so out of line, Justin...

You're not denying it!


I don't know if I should believe you.

Well, you should!
I'm YOUR girlfriend, baby! Not Daniel's!

You're mine.

Yes. I'm yours. I promise 💕

Would you ever cheat on me?

Never. I love you too damn much for that.
Now, would you stop being a jealous asshole?

I guess so...

Good. Then, that's settled.

So... are you okay? After... you know...

I'm hanging in there. Staying clear of fans' messages and posts, and social media in general. I'm trending worldwide, according to JoMo.

I'm sorry for being so jealous when I should've just believed you.

You can apologise in person.

If you insist ;)
I'm on my way, and I'm bringing popcorn, Ben and Jerry's, and DVDs.
Apology movie night?

Sounds perfect xoxo

I love you 😙

I love you, too 🥰

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