81 - DM's (Alyssa and Zac)

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Date: March 16, 2014

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What's this?

An article. Is it true?


Just read it..

No. Not until you tell me what the hell is up with you?

Dude, you can't sleep with me, make me breakfast the next morning, spend the next day with me, and then ignore me for a whole month, just to randomly drop me a text out of nowhere!

I'm serious, Alyssa!

So am I, Zac!!

Am I the dad of your kid?

Al, tell me the truth.

I don't have to answer to you!

It's just a simple question!

Doesn't mean I have to give you an answer!

Am I the dad of your kid??

So what if you were? Won't change anything.

What the fuck do you mean? It changes everything!

Not necessarily. Only if you choose to have it change everything.


Al, I'm confused. What do you mean?

I'd totally understand if you don't want anything to do with this child! It was just a one-night-stand, it was meaningless. So can the baby be to you if that's what you want. I have friends and family, I don't need you if you just want to forget about us!

What? Why would you think I'd just abandon you? Do you really think that low of me?

Well, we don't want a baby ruining your reputation, do we? You're Zac freaking Efron!

And you're Alyssa-Rose freaking Williams! We're both as famous as eachother, and we are both going to be parents whether we like it or not.

So, you don't like it? The idea of being a parent?

I didn't mean it like that. Of course I'm happy, Al! I'm going to be a dad!

I'm so glad to hear that. Honestly, I was TERRIFIED that you'd abandon us.

Never. You and our kid are my new priority.

Oh no. This isn't the part where you go 'let's get unhappily married for the sake of our child', is it?

No 😂 I'm actually seeing Sami Miró now, since the start of this month. I'm sure she'll be happy to discover she could be a possible step-mommy to our future child.

Unless, you don't want me to tell her?

No! Of course you can tell her. It's your child as much as it is mine.

I cannot wait to meet my daughter!

Who says it was a girl?

I did! Girls run more in my family. I have a half-sister, and my mother even has a twin sister.

Twins? God forbid we get that gene. Two babies at the same time may be pushing it. But I'll still be happy nonetheless.

What sex are you rooting for?

Boy all the way!

We'll see who wins, Williams 😠✌️🏻

That we will, Efron 😌

In 4 months, that is!

Now, let's talk last names. I'm assuming you want a baby Williams. But if that's so, I at least get to choose the name!

What makes you think I want him to have my last name?

Because you're carrying HER, so I figured, baby Williams it is.

Nah. I'd much prefer baby Williams-Efron.

Hmm. I like it :)

Me too :)

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