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Date: August 27, 2013

Alyssa-Rose Williams as Steve Rogers' big sister?

After getting permission from the studio to share speak peaks, Captain America: The Winter Soldier will kick off with a two year jump from the Battle of New York, which will introduce Steve Rogers (aka Captain America), played by Chris Evans

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After getting permission from the studio to share speak peaks, Captain America: The Winter Soldier will kick off with a two year jump from the Battle of New York, which will introduce Steve Rogers (aka Captain America), played by Chris Evans. However, there has been a leak... we've gathered shocking information from the Marvel Studios that an audition for this film took place. But which character were they auditioning for, you ask?

It was none other than... STEVE ROGERS' OLDER SISTER!

We have not got as much information on the subject as we had hoped, but we were able to get enough. For example, we know that the sister's name is PENELOPE ROGERS! She is 25 (aka 115), and she and Steve have always been close, so we've heard.

But that's not it... we were also able to snag the list of auditions! Yep, that's right!! The list of people auditioning for Penelope is here right with me! The list went from most well-known to least well-known, and the number one name on that auditions list is... ALYSSA-ROSE WILLIAMS HERSELF!

I bet Williams auditioning has something to do with a particular Winter Soldier boyfriend of hers ;)

If Williams manages to get the main role of Penelope Rogers, she will be joining the Marvel cast as a series regular for the whole of the Marvel universe (Tvd AND Marvel? That's one lucky girl right there). But could there be more to Penelope's future?

There have been rumors of a potential spin-off for Penelope, like there has been for most (if not all) of the main stars in the Marvel universe.

The most shocking of them all...?

Penelope Rogers has a very important love interest.

Even more shocking?

It is NOT Bucky Barnes!!!

No... it is... *drum roll*


Who knew that Alyssa-Rose Williams would audition as a gay character? Is this her way of personally coming out as a member of the lgbtq+ society? Who knows?

Well, this will surely be a question that I will definitely bring up during her next interview in two weeks!

Stay tuned, at least until then!

Let's all just pray that Williams succeeds with her Penelope Rogers audition! We always love to see her gorgeous smile lighting up our screens!

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