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Date: November 29, 2014

Date: November 29, 2014

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Liked by alyssa.r_williams and others

nina Okay... it is, like, 1am so I will make this quick. I have never seen a girl that has shone so brightly and so smartly... I have never seen a girl who even compares to the beauty that this one girl radiates. It is as if she flew off the pages of Vogue!
I will also say that she is kind, considerate, intelligent, caring, and I love this crazy female past the moon and beyond the stars.
It was fate that I met her, fate that we ended up here together. It started with us finding out that we were going to be on-screen twins on some show that we both randomly auditioned for in the spur of the moment, and went from there. It was an instant click, I guess you could say.
It doesn't matter how it came to be, only it did. And you deserve so much, Alyssa. You deserve everything that the world has to offer.
I am grateful for the times when we have been an awesome team. For the times we fought like sisters, and all the time in between. You are more special than any woman I have known or will ever be blessed to know. You are the best thing in my life, and I love you.
So, as cringy as this post is, it is a simple 'you are incredible!' post. Mixed with a 'you deserved much better, and I know that you will heal over time' post.
As all of you know, this gorgeous girl has suffered through something that no one should have to go through. She has pushed so many people away in the midst of her grieving, believing that she was doing the right thing by wanting to be alone... but she forgot one thing about me: I never go without a fight. It'll take a lot for her to get rid of me so easily. I'm not going anywhere...
So, everyone, please go and drop Alyssa as many kind and supportive messages as you can muster! She will really appreciate the love. And, who knows? Maybe it will make her so happy that she will even reply to your messages :)
One last time... I love you, Alyssa-Rose Williams.
#sistersinanotheruniverse! Right? 🥰🥰xoxo

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