6 - DM's (Alyssa and Sebastian)

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Date: May 30, 2012


Hey Seb :)
What's up?

Nothing really. Just been scrolling through the comments on your post.

The ones where there's like a thousand hashtags of #sebyssa?

That'd be the one 😂

I hope the fans' assumptions don't make things weird for us.

Nah, of course not.

You know I love to chat with you, Seb, but my sister's on the phone. Talk later?

Actually, do you have two more minutes?

Yeah, I suppose. Only a few minutes before my sister goes ballistic on me for ignoring her.
What'd you need?

You're beautiful. You know that, right?

Aww, that's so sweet 💕
Why the sudden need to compliment me? :)

Well, you're beautiful, and smart, and funny, and cheerful, and loyal, and lovable...

Seb, what's this about???
You can always tell me if something's on your mind.

Your insta comments got to me. But not in a bad way.

What do you mean?

You never could take a hint 😅😅


I am trying to ask you out on a date here, Al...

A date?

Yeah. Is that bad?

And you couldn't do it in person?

Blame my awkwardness when it comes to asking pretty girls out. Believe me.. 😅
Is that a no...?

It's a definite yes!


No, I'm kidding.


I'm messing with you 😂😂
Of course it's a yes!
I'd love to go on a date with you, Seb 🥰

That's great!
Well then, is 7:30 tomorrow night okay?
That gives you a whole day to prepare 😂
I can pick you up!

That sounds perfect!

Great. Dress casual 😉

Will do 💋

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