128 - DM's (Alyssa and Ian)

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Date: July 10, 2015


Um, hey ?

Don't do that, Al.

Do what?

Act like it is the biggest shock in the world that I would ever text you. We're still friends, aren't we?

Are we? Because you've been a real d!ck lately, Ian.

It's not been just me.

I know.

So, I'll ask again: we're still friends, aren't we?

Just tell me what you want.

Why would you think I want something?

Just assumed. What is it? Fess up.

I just want to know if the article about you and Nina breaking up is true or false. I thought it was true for a moment, but I then thought 'no! One of them would've told me if they were breaking up'.

Why do you think one of us would've told you?

Because I know both of you probably more than anyone, and I thought you guys trusted me enough to tell me.

Don't take it too personally. We didn't tell anyone.

That doesn't make it better.

I honestly don't know what you want me to say, Ian! Yes, me and Nina broke up. No, it had nothing to do with you... kinda. No, I don't care anymore about you and Nikki. Yes, me and Nina are still going to stay close friends. Happy?

I had something to do with you guys breaking up...?

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