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Date: April 27, 2013

Liked by tomholland2013 and others

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alyssa.r_williams When you try to take a cute photo and all he cares about is looking sexy, but ends up looking grumpy instead 😜💖 @imsebastianstan

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chrisevans When are you next coming to NYC?! Missin you!

imsebastianstan I was breaking out the smolder!! 😡😤

username SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!

username I stg just MARRY already 😍👰🏻

alyssa.r_williams @chrisevans Seb and I are actually going down there very soon for three months!!! Tvd season five doesn't begin shooting until the end of September so I'll be in NYC with all of you from the start of June to the end of September!! @imsebastianstan I think your smolder needs some work, darling 😘

nina Cute

craccola AHHHH LOVE THIS 🥰

paulwesley He does look awfully grumpy 😂

kristentaylor Beautifulllll

phoebejtonkin #sebyssa !!!!!!

therealjosephmorgan Teach me how to smolder, mate 😂👊🏻

imsebastianstan @therealjosephmorgan At least someone is on my side 😂👊🏻

alyssa.r_williams @nina Are you alright? Is something wrong? @craccola Thank you, candycane💖 @paulwesley I know, right?!?! 😂😂 @kristentaylor Thank youuu❤️ @phoebejtonkin #sebyssa !! ☺️

iansomerhalder Dm me ASAP please.

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