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As it was getting dark, William was getting more scared to even step down from his bed. He finally had some guts to step out of his room. He straight goes to Niall's room.

*Knock knock*

Niall opens the door, and William looks at him with an awkward smile. He noticed that Niall was wearing a tux, at this time ?

"Uh, i-i-uhem I um..."

Niall tilts his head confused, "you what, William?"

William looks down fiddling with his fingers, "I'm too scared to be alone in my room. Can you sleep with me... please?" He slowly looks up and Niall blinks with a blank face.

"No, I can't I have a date, and you're gonna get me late! Wait-that rhymes! Anyways bye!" With that Niall closes the door on his face.

William signs and goes to Zayn's room he returns with no luck. He's too scared to go to Liam's room, but he still goes to give it a try.

"Why? Is the Luna scared?"

William looks away embarrassed as Liam laughs at him, "i-i just-"

"The answer is no, good night!"


William goes towards the kitchen. He's feeling very alone and scared in his house. No one helps him and stays with him.

He opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle, he gulps it down and then sits on the dining table chair. He grabs his phone and decided to call one of his group members.

He hears the lady say that the call is unreachable. He calls another member but still, it showed the same reason.

"Where are everyone!" He mumbles to himself as he gives them a text.


The phone falls from his hand when he hears someone whisper those words. He looks around and saw no one, he peeks out of the window to see it was dark now.

He gulps and immediately rushes towards the stairs to go to his room. As soon as he stepped a foot into the hallway he saw a shadow at the end of the hallway.

He goes still and watches as lights flicker and then suddenly that shadow disappeared. He runs to his room before he sees anything worst.

He locks the door and signs in relief. He goes and sits on the bed panting as he makes sure the doors and windows are locked. He makes sure no one is under the bed and just then he hears that creepy dark voice again,

"Looking for me...my love?"

He slowly turns and immediately falls off the bed when he saw that man standing right beside his bed. He backs away scared as the man walks toward him.

"G-go away from here! Why are you after me!" The audacity this man has, after killing so many people still has the guts to ask why he's being killed.

"I miss you baby...so much"

William cries out loudly as the man walks toward him. He was frozen on the floor too scared to even move, "please let me go!"

The man smiled giving William goosebumps at that creepy face, "I'm here to take you...with me!"

William shakes his head and joins his shaky hands begging, "please don't hurt me. I'm sorry for what I did to you Ryan. Please let me go!"

The man that William assumes is Ryan, tilts his head and frowns. "But I want you... you're coming with me"

William's eyes widened when he saw the said Ryan pull out a knife from his pocket and walk towards him. He screams and stumbles to crawl towards the door but Ryan catches his leg.

"PLEASE LET ME GO!" William cries out loudly and Ryan laughed loudly as he lets William's leg go and watches him run out trying to save his life.

"Pathetic beta" Ryan chases after him and William screams for help as he runs out of the house and towards the forest.

Harry smirked, the plan is going exactly how he thought it would. He chases after William who was tripping and falling but still running somehow, screaming for help but no one was present there to help him.

After some time they reached the border and William stopped once he saw it. He looked behind him and saw Ryan smiling creepily as he was following him.

"Please I'm sorry let me go!" William falls to his knees in front of Ryan with his hands joined.

Ryan stopped and looked at him, "You betrayed me!" He screams in his face and William falls shaking with fear.

"I-I'm sorry for that-"

"Your apology won't give me my life back William! I'll take my revenge and make your life just like you took mine!" With that Ryan ran towards William who screamed at the top of his lungs and ran past the border.

The border has bushes surrounding it, sharp spikes that dug into William as he cries running past them not caring if his skin is being ripped because of those spikes.

He runs as fast as he can and falls once he's tired and his lungs are about to give up. When he turns to look back he saw no one and assumed that he was safe now...

He pants as he lays on the floor trying to catch his breath. Suddenly he hears something in the bush and he sits up straight ready to run again.

Just then a wolf jumps out of the bushes and launches on him. He screams when the wolf snarls at him.

He goes still ready to get ripped piece by piece by this wolf but then he heard a familiar voice,


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