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"I said who are you!"

Suddenly the man lifts his head and William screamed. The man's face was covered with blood. His clothes were dirty with mud and leaves.

His hair was wet and falling. William screams and falls to the ground his eyes not leaving that man. In the darkness and because of the blood covering the man's face, William couldn't recognise him.

William's eyes widened as he watches the man lift his hand. He points toward the mirror and William slowly turns his head to face the dressing table where he saw something written on the mirror.

The lights turned on and William gasped when he can finally see what was written on the mirror...

I'm back...my love

William looks toward' the corner where he last saw the man and found no one...not even a trace of blood or dirt.

He goes towards the mirror and tears started to pool in his eyes, there was only one person who used to call him 'my love'



Louis whistles as he fixes his blazer. Niall gifted him this suit he was denying at first but then Niall somehow gave him after emotionally blackmailing him.

He grabs the tie and starts wearing it. Just then the door suddenly opens and William stumbles in fury.

"It was you! I know you did it. How fucking dare you!" William grabs his shirt collar and Louis groans pushing his brother back.

"You ruined the iron of my shirt. And what the hell are you talking about!" Louis asks straightening his shirt.

William growls and points at Louis, "you wrote that shit on my mirror. You bought that man to my room right!" He snaps and Louis frowns.

"What're you talking about? I didn't do anything! I was with Niall, look he gave me this suit-"

"I don't give a fuck. What're you trying to do huh! You're trying to scare me so that I'll leave this pack right!" William yells at Louis and when he goes to argue he grabs his jaw roughly,

"Nothing will make me leave this pack. For five fucking years I've been trying to take over a pack but you always ruin it! Because of you, I had to kill so many people just to be their pack leader!" William yells in his face and pushed him back.

Louis glares at his brother as he straightens his collar, "And I'm telling you this William. Like all your failed tries before, you're gonna fail again. No matter what you do, you can't rule this pack cause this pack already has a powerful ruler!" Louis smirks and his brother chuckles.

"Oh yeah. Do you think I'm stupid like you! Oh my baby brother, if I don't get this pack then I'll have to steal it! By killing or willing I'm ready for anything." With that William leaves and louis' jaw clenched as he runs his hand through his hair.

"I can't let you do that William..."


Harry signs as he looks to his side, William was standing with his hand clinging to his. He looks at Liam who nods and then goes into the ballroom.

The party was in a ballroom, this room is only used when the pack alpha's marriage or mating ceremony is held. And Harry made use of it by announcing the Luna that might be changed in future.

"Everyone, please give a round of applause to our future Alpha and... Luna!"

Everyone starts clapping and smiling as they watched their future alpha walk out with his luna.

William takes a deep breath and puts on his best smile walking out with Harry. Liam hands harry the mic and leave going to stand beside Zayn.

Harry signs as he looks at the happy but confused look on his people's faces. He looks at Louis who was standing among them.

He was looking as beautiful as always. The black suit he was wearing made him look posh and handsome, no one could make out it was an Omega.

"Welcome our Luna. We pledge to always protect each and everyone present here, till our last breath" Harry looks towards William who looks at him with an awkward smile.

"Amen?" Harry mumbles and William remembered he has to say it too, "uh yeah..a-amen" he says nodding and everyone made a round of applause.


Louis sips on his lemonade as he watches Harry and William talk to some famous people in their pack.

Some were the owners of companies and some owned bars and restaurants. The pack was fully protected by the borders, they don't give anyone anything or take anything. No, give and take is done in packs now.

"What're you thinking Louis?"

Louis looks at Niall and signs keeping his glass away he relaxes on the couch, "I'm scared Niall... I know what my brother has done and is capable of doing...and I didn't like any of it. "

He takes a sip as he watches harry frown at something William said to him. Niall hums and leans back, "Don't worry Louis. Harry's plan will work, we'll kick him out one way or another!"

"Yeah, I hope so-"

"Everyone I have an important announcement!"

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