Colored in your Color

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Sunaina's POV

I woke up at 3 in the morning. Despite not being an early riser, this didn't make me cranky at all. Today is the day when I will receive a part of my happiness. I will be married to Arjun. The guy who was with me in my imagination for the past 5 years.

"Now wear this yellow saree. Else we are gonna be late for your haldi." Preeti almost threw at me the saree bringing me out of my thoughts.

"It's really is happening?"

"The marriage? Yes my dear." She giggled. I was about to reply something when Gayatri Devi entered inside my room along with Mansi.

"Did you sleep well honey?" I smiled and nodded in reply.

"Today's a big day for you Sunaina. I hope even after you return, you can be happy and smile like you always have." Her words gave me a sharp hit of reality that I was trying to escape ever since I woke up.

"You will be the most beautiful bride today." Mansi said to me softly. Something about her was different today. She wasn't acting childish but her demeanor was that of a matured person. She hugged me tightly as if afraid to let me go. When she finally did, I didn't fail to notice the welled up tears in her eyes.

"I...don't want to get married." I declared softly leaving all of them stunned.

"Sunaina what is this childish behaviour?" Preeti was about to scold me more when Gayathri Devi stopped her.

"Why suddenly?" She asked maintaining her same soft composure.

"If I don't marry him and just go back to my world, Arjun won't be questioned by everybody. The press won't eat him up that his wife ran away after being married. Who knows what this will have an effect on his reputation. If I go back to my world without any thing. He will be able to move on. He will be able to have a life that he desires. A partner he can grow old with. I can't see him lonely." Without me realising, the tears started to fall out of my eyes. I don't want him to be questioned by everyone. I knew how scary the media can be. I know how he will be smeared after I leave and return. Lastly, I know that if we get married, he will never give himself a second chance. But despite saying all this, my heart knew that even if I didn't marry him and return, he will still not marry someone else. That's who he is. His commitments stay for a lifetime.

"Girl." Gayathri Devi came closer to me and wiped my tears. "You do know it in your hard that it's either you or no one else for Arjun right?" I looked at her with surprise and she responded back with a smile. "What I am saying might sound crazy but Sunaina, even if you are unable to come back here ever, we will be just satisfied you being his legal wife. Even if it's just for a day. Do you know why?" I shook my head in reply.

"Because Arjun loves you." Her words filled me with warmth.

"Arjun never cared about his reputation being tarnished. He knows the consequences and still decided to marry you. Isn't this enough to show you how much he wants to be with you?" Mansi continued bringing in a warm fuzzy feeling in me. I nodded smiling with happy tears jumping all over my eyes.

"Okay! It's settled now. Time for your haldi look now." I turned around to see Preeti who was silent all this time bring in a tray of flower jewelleries in tray with Shawarma. There were Jasmine, nose ring, rose earrings and various other accessories made out of tuberose. I looked at them with ecstasy.

"Do you like them?" She asked.

"Bro!!! Ofcourse I love them. Thank you so much." I hugged her tightly.

"Well thank God you like it." Shawarma chirped in. "Milady didn't even sleep a wink the whole night just to prepare this."

"Hey!" Preeti poked Shawarma hard. "You just have to speak right?"

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