Unsealed Wounds

46 16 7

Sunaina's POV

So from all the messages I have received from the mysterious author and also from tonight's ordeal, I have realised that the black robe guy is the one who wants to kill Arjun. But...so many things were going around in my mind.

Who is the person? I don't know yet.

Why is that person so determined on killing him? I don't know that as well.

Why is Arjun acting so different? I don't know that too.

What exactly do I know then? I was about to say I don't know again but I didn't want to make fun of myself. I stopped there and decided to think of my next move. I wasn't worried to be honest because I am a human afterall and no matter how much it hurts to admit, Arjun and the killer are both fictional characters at the end of the day who can't defeat me!
"Humans are undefeatable!" I assured myself. I made it clear to myself that I just had to enjoy the plot till I am asked to return to my old boring life. My mind assured me by reminding me of the obvious things. If the writer has planned all this then he or she will definitely save Arjun. How can anyone kill such a sweet character who has become so obnoxious all of a sudden. Nevertheless, I still love him!!! How often does a girl get a chance to get a glimpse of his favorite fictional character and here I am staying under the same roof as him. Thinking about this and the time that I have spent with him, my heart started to melt away again. I am supposed to be annoyed but here I am acting like a lovesick puppy. Why am I like this again. But the more I try to avoid these feelings, the more I am drawn to think about him. I was again reminded of that sad face of his that I noticed at the reception tonight and even when we were in the garden. Why was he like this? I didn't know but one thing is for sure. I wanted to help Arjun out. I wanted him to be the same quirky, witty and happy go lucky person again with whom I fell in love.

Enough of Arjun now! There's more I have to worry about. I have to also think of a way to return to my world from here. Even though I have said that I will just wait till I am asked to leave, I still can't sit idly without trying anything. Its been a whole day and I miss my parents already. Although I have been assured that the time in the real world has paused but still I can't help but be worried of everyone. How long will it be paused? Now that I think about it, what exactly was triggered that brought me in this world? And how on earth did time freeze in the real world? Is it because that hooded guy said he loves me? Even if that's the case, why would he want to kill Arjun? This just doesn't makes sense. I sat down taking a pen and paper in my hand. I need to jot down everything that has happened to me to see if I can understand why am I trapped here. Maybe this will give me a solution to leave this fictional world. Do I really wanna leave though? No! Don't think of such nonsense! You have a family to tend to, a job to attend and responsibilities to clear. Think of the loan that you are yet to clear. Focus Sunaina focus. Prepping myself actually helps now I feel.

I looked at the clock, it's 1AM now. Since I don't have a phone, I have no choice but to use the pen and paper that is available in this guest room. I have to compose myself and make a list of all the things that are going on with me.

1 I am in some weird fictional world of my favorite story book.

2 Arjun Saxena has become a bossy, grumpy hag except the fact that he is still hot.

3 I have been receiving notes out of nowhere that are supposedly coming from the author of this book. Pretty unbelievable though!

4 I am staying in the Gayathri Devi's house.

5 The author said that the time in real world has paused and Arjun's life is in danger.

6 This is the weirdest part of today's discovery but the killer has confessed to me in a red note. Probably smeared in his blood.

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