Beating Hearts

34 11 4

Sunaina's POV

It's been a month since I have joined in Arjun's company. Everything seems to be going smoothly. Every day I go separately to his office in the morning and Arjun takes me back home after the end of the shift. Karan's project is easier to deal with as I have already worked in that field in real world. I have heard from other employees that Mr Bharadwaj is really happy with my performance. The pay is well too. Moreover, I am well off in this world. There's only one problem I am facing though-

Arjun ignores me like crazy!!

I just don't know what is wrong with this guy but he has been ignoring me ever since we had that little moment together. I don't know what exactly happened. Was that hug very uncomfortable? Was I smelling? Is it something I said? I don't know but this ignorance of his is killing me.

"Good morning Sir." I walked up to him and wished him first. Living up to my expectations, he didn't even look at me let alone wish me back. He went past me and I turned around to look at his disappearing back pouting angrily.

"Rude!" I muttered to myself. "If you didn't like my hug back that day then why did you initiate it."

"What are you dreaming of Princess?" A familiar voice broke into my thoughts. I looked at the source of the voice only to find Karan standing there smiling at me. His arms crossed together pointed at me.

"What is making you pout all of a sudden?" The smirk on his face was too evident in his voice.

"I am not liable to reply to you now am I?" I snapped back. I didn't want any drama early in the morning.

"Woah. Someone is being cranky. Is it that time of the year again for your girls?" His words shook the hell out of me. I glared at him one last time and left the hallways immediately. I thought it to be best not argue back with him. Afterall, he is my client. 

I sat on my desk and was distracted for the entire day because of his remark. How the hell can he get so frank with me?! Did he really think that he was that close to say things like this. I really need to be careful and create some distance between us. I don't want any drama here. Already life has been very cruel to me. I miss my family, those uncountable bickerings of my parents. Those pain in the ass friends of mine and mostly my life there- I miss it the most. Will I ever be able to go back? My worries were growing as the days went by.

"Hey Sunaina. Our client is asking for you." Tara, my team mate informed me about the sudden ordeal and broke into my reverie. To be honest, after that encounter with Karan in the hallway, I am too pissed off at him to even have a small talk but he is the client afterall. Everything feels so strange. Him being a lookalike of my ex and acting all comfortable with me. I really don't like it but guess we have to deal with this.

"You can go Tara. I will go to meet him in 5 minutes." With that being said, I gave a final look at the reports for the week and went to the conference room. There I saw Arjun and Karan sitting side by side, discussing something. Arjun's forehead were filled with creases that I have never noticed before. I gave a slight knock on the door and both of theirs attention turned at me.

"May I come in sir." I asked politely.

"Yes Sunaina get in please." Arjun responded immediately and I entered inside.

"Good afternoon sir." I wished both Karan and Arjun and they wished me back.

"Ms Mehra." I turned my head around and heard Karan speak. "Can I have this week's progress report my dear or your mood swings didn't let you finish that?" I was surprised at his comment and I noticed that Arjun was suprised as well. I tried not to show any anger and replied slowly.

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