Calm in the Wilderness

38 13 6

Sunaina's POV

I saw the happiness in Mansi's eyes when she received those bouquet of flowers. To be honest, I can understand why Abhay fell for Mansi, she had a different kind of smile in her eyes. It's as if her soul radiated purity- something that is not so common among the girl's of today's generation. Her lips curled up in a huge smile and her curls seemed to bounce a lot of times while taking their wedding gift from me. That's when I heard his voice, "Hey! How did you know that she loved yellow roses." I turned around to find the source of the voice only to find the intimidating eyes of Arjun. He was looking at me as if he was about to swallow me up if I gave a wrong answer to that question.

"Umm..."I was feeling really uncomfortable with his sudden question. I started figdeting  with my fingers. "Nandini told me about it." He seemed very shocked with my answer but at the end, it felt like he bought it. I didn't understand the shock though. Did he not expect the maids to know about her favorites? Afterall, she is the mistress of this house. I noticed him from afar and my heart seems to have started to skip a beat. He looks perfect. That black tuxedo seems to have complimented his abs well. Wait? Black? He is wearing a black tux!! But...Arjun never wore anything black? Why is his character so messed up? I saw him looking at Abhay and Mansi. His eyes seem sad. Wasn't he happy that his brother is married? Afterall he was the one who helped them unite. I saw him going down the aisle leaving the couple alone. I decided to follow him. Honestly I didn't have any right to chase him down but my heart felt otherwise. He was the only person I wanted to see happy. Well...not Person but yes character. Whatever it is, I wanted to help him. It seemed so uncomfortable given my inability to talk to strangers. All along, I used to avoid to talk to my clients back in my office because I was afraid of speaking to strangers. It was tough for me but now I decided that I had to talk to him. I followed him as he went outside the mansion into the garden. It was hard for me to keep up with him in this dark ambience. He finally stopped in front of the yellow rose garden from where I plucked flowers for Mansi. I looked at him hiding through the bushes. Don't tell me he is angry because I did that?

"There's no one here. Speak what you have to say." Arjun's rough husky voice scared me. How did he know that I followed him? On top of that is that the same Arjun who was portrayed as the most compassionate person ever. I never really imagined that he might be so fierce. I came out of the bushes and didn't dare to look at him in the eye.

"Speak!" He roared at me again.

"I am sorry. I really didn't mean to follow you. I just felt you looked sad-" I was cut off in between by Arjun.

"Sad? You seem to know a lot about me huh?" He retraced his steps and this time he was coming towards me. Reducing the distance between us, his breathe was now falling on top of my head. Yes! He is way taller than me! I decided not to move away from my place because I had nothing to be afraid of...except the proximity ofcourse.

"Excuse are too close."

"You seem to act as if you know so much about me. Huh! So tell me. What else do you know about me?"

I decided to keep my mouth shut in order to avoid any further problems than what I am already entangled in.

"I knew it." He continued after giving me a menacing laughter. "You don't know anything about me." He started laughing and clapping his hands like a kid who has just proved his father wrong at something. "You must have some ulterior motives. I mean I know you must have planned the encounter with me in the beach too." My eyes were on the verge of popping out of my socket. What did he say? So he thinks I schemed? Just because I showed a bit of a compassion to him? Is this really the Arjun Saxena I fell in love with? " even tricked my Maa to believe you huh? I know girls like you. You must be after our family assets right? Well...I am really disappointed to tell you that-" that was the last nail in the coffin. I turned him around at me and held him tightly by his shoulders. I don't know how I got so much strength but I just couldn't take it how he was insulting me. It was ok to doubt me but this is way over the top.

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