Adrien and Marinette Reunite

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It was evening by the time Adrien arrived home. The reception after the funeral had lasted hours, and Adrien felt drained. He was emotionally exhausted, but the last thing he wanted to do was rest. Oh, how he wished he could transform again and run across the rooftops.

On his father's arm, Adrien slowly climbed the staircase to his room. Once inside, his trusty walker from the hospital was waiting for him. Tucking his cane under his arm, Adrien grabbed its clunky metal handle and made his way over to his bed. His eyes briefly caught sight of the giant pile of Marinette's gifts on his desk.

Within moments, he reached his bed. The 'old' him would have flopped onto it, but such a severe jolt would trigger his vertigo. So, instead, Adrien gently sat on the end of the bed, setting his cane down beside him. He closed his eyes and exhaled, trying to relax his tense muscles.

A soft knock on the window started him out of his thoughts. Adrien opened his eyes to the most beautiful sight in the world. Just on the other side of the glass, Ladybug was gazing at him with Plagg floating by her shoulder.

Adrien watched as Plagg phased through the lock. Immediately, the window popped open, and Ladybug jumped down to the floor. Plagg quickly flew over to Adrien and held his arm in front of his mouth, gesturing for silence. Right! Adrien would have to save his reunion with his Kwami for later. For all that Ladybug knew, he had only met Plagg once.

Ignoring Plagg for now, Adrien smiled over at his partner. She shyly waved, but stood silently in the darkness.

"Marinette?" Adrien called to her.

Ladybug nodded. With that tiny confirmation, an uncontrollable giddiness washed over Adrien. He hadn't imagined it! Ladybug was Marinette; Marinette was Ladybug! And she was alive!

A huge grin spread over Adrien's face as he continued to stare at his friend. "I was starting to fear I dreamt it all. I told the same lies over and over again; I was beginning to believe them myself."

Ladybug looked down, shifting her feet awkwardly. Huh? Was something wrong? Why wasn't she coming closer? Without thinking, Adrien rose to his feet and stepped toward her. Instantly, the room suddenly spun, and he crashed into the floor. Ladybug was by his side a second later, helping him into a seated position.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," Adrien quickly assured her. Though, to be honest, his pride was a bit hurt. It had been over a week since he had fallen; he was better than that. With a groan, he reached over and grabbed his cane from his bed. Using it for support, he pushed himself to a stand.

"I just forgot my cane. Stylish, isn't it?" Adrien chuckled sarcastically. "Don't worry; my father is going to design me a better one. This one is very... hospital grade."

"You're... you're still hurt?" Ladybug's brows wrinkled with confusion.

"Well, I'm not in pain," Adrien told her honestly. "But... um, the Kwamis were very thorough with their injury. But it worked! Everyone assumed I was hurt in the Akuma attack. No one doubted my story, not even for a moment."

Ladybug continued to stare at his cane with a horrified look on her face. Adrien fidgeted under her gaze as he scratched his neck with his free hand.

"So... um, my ear is all messed up. It turns out you need it to balance," he explained. "Other than that, I'm perfectly fine. But, um... try to talk to my left ear. I can't hear out of my right side anymore."

Ladybug didn't say anything, but it was obvious she was growing more upset by the second. Suddenly, her head fell as she buried her face in her hands. Her shoulders started to shake as if she was struggling not to cry. Adrien reached out and gently touched her arm.

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