The Kwamis Intervene

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Chat Noir had never run so fast in his life. In under two minutes, he arrived at a small rooftop balcony. The 'safe house' was an abandoned apartment Chat Noir had discovered during a patrol. It appeared to be in the early stages of a remodel when all work had stopped. When Ladybug enquired about it, she was told that the owners were going through a messy divorce, and it was likely to be empty a while longer. But for now, it served as an emergency meet-up point.

As he shifted the garbage bag in his arms, Chat Noir opened the casement window. His transformation dropped as soon as he jumped inside the small apartment.

The bag instantly felt heavier as he lowered Marinette down to the bare wood floor. He swiftly slid his friend out of the thick plastic. A panicked sob ripped out of his chest as Adrien saw his friend again. Marinette looked even worse than before.

Her skin was beyond pale. It was a sickening grey with her half-lidded eyes blankly staring forward. They didn't even look blue anymore. Her pupils were dilated to the point that her eyes looked black. No, this wasn't Marinette. It was just some grey-skinned Marinette doll.

Panic started to rise within Adrien. He shouldn't have brought her here; she needed a hospital! Oh, no! what had he done? Adrien began to tremble as his breaths came out shaky and panicked. Tears started falling from his eyes. Why had he listened to Plagg?!? He shouldn't have brought her here.

"Adrien! Adrien!" Plagg was yelling in his ear. Adrien jolted to alertness, suddenly realizing that his Kwamii had been shouting for some time. "Please, Adrien. Focus. Tikki should be here soon."

"Is.. is Ladybug coming?" Adrien asked, turning away from Marinette.

"No, we just need the Kwamis."

"Are we going to combine the Miraculous?" Dread washed over him. "No, they can't be used for-"

"The Kwamis can act on their own. Listen, Adrien. Once Tikki arrives, things will need to happen really fast. I need you to focus and do exactly as she says."

"Wha..?" Adrien struggled to understand the words coming out of Plaggs mouth. "Are you leaving?"

"I can't heal her, but I can help stop the decay. Please, Adrien. You need to trust us!" Adrien watched in shock as his Kwamii turned away and disappeared into Marinette's body.

Adrien's heart pounded in his ears as he stared at his unmoving friend. This is my fault! It's all my fault, his mind repeated. The bullet was meant for him. If he hadn't snuck out today, Marinette would still be breathing.

Focus. Focus. Focus!

"Her shirt is wet," Adrien spoke aloud to the empty room. Numbly, he stood up and walked to a partially demolished wall. There was a duffle bag Adrien had hidden there months ago. With shaking hands, he pulled out a blanket and a hoodie before he returned to Marinette.

He knelt beside her, trying to swallow the nausea growing with him. He didn't want to touch her. Adrien hated the way this Marinette-doll looked, with her black eyes and greyish skin. Everything about her was wrong. He swallowed the bile rising in his throat as he reached for her eyelids, gently lowering them over her unnaturally black eyes.

Adrien slapped his cheeks hard. He had to focus. According to Plagg, Tikki would be here any moment. Until then... damn it! He needed to do something! The only thing he could do right now was to make his friend more comfortable.

With a wince, Adrien gently lifted Marinette's shoulders off the floor, pulling off her blazer at the same time. Next, he peeled off Marinette's white top, trying not to look at the blood-saturated fabric. Once it was free of her arms, Adrien balled it up and threw it into the corner. Then, he slowly placed the hoodie over her head and pulled Marinette's arms through. With great care, Adrien set her back down on the floor and spread the blanket out beside her. He gently gathered her into his arms and gently placed her on the blanket, wrapping it around her body.

She looked better now, almost as if she was sleeping. Adrien softy smoothed her hair back into place.

Suddenly, Tikki flew through the open window with a gathered handkerchief in her arms. As she dropped it on the floor, all sorts of jewelry spilled out.

"Put these on," Tikki commanded.

Adrien nodded as he reached for the snake Miraculous. As he slid it on his wrist, Sass suddenly appeared. Next, Adrien grabbed for the Fox pendant, then the Dragon collar. With each piece of jewel, Adrien felt heavier and heavier, but he didn't stop. He grabbed the comb, circlet, and hairclips. As each Kwami materialized in front of him, they turned and raced over to Marinette.

Adrien's head pounded as he put the last Miraculous on his body. It was hard to concentrate; it was even hard to breathe. He even struggled to keep his body upright. Adrien blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus on the group of Kwamis in front of him.

All of a sudden, Wayzz appeared in front of his face. "We can heal her body, but we must take something from you," he warned. "Everything must be kept in balance."

"Take whatever you need. I don't care!" Adrien choked out. "It should have been me." He looked down at Marinette. "Please, it should have been me."

Wayzz nodded and joined the other Kwamis. They were soon flying around in a circle around Marinette, chanting in a language Adrien didn't recognize. Their dancing was mesmerizing; Adrien found he couldn't look away.

"Adrien, you must call her soul back," he heard Tikki call out. "Close your eyes and picture Marinette."

Adrien closed his eyes, picturing his sweet classmate. Her easy smile, her cute laugh, the times they played video games together. The way she felt when they danced together. Then, without warning, Adrien felt like he was falling; he could no longer feel his body on the floor. Adrien closed his eyes harder, fighting off the distraction. He had to think of Marinette, to call back her soul or whatever Tikki said. Dear sweet Marinette. Who was always so kind, gentle, caring. She deserved so much better than this.

A warmth started filling his chest. As much as he tried to keep his eyes closed, the feeling was so intense Adrien couldn't help open them. He gasped at the sight in front of him. Adrien was no longer in the demolished apartment. He didn't even think he was on earth anymore! Tiny dots of light sparkled everywhere in a blue-black darkness. Adrien looked down at his hands; he was almost surprised to see he was still in his body.

"Marinette!" he shouted into the void. How was he supposed to call her back? Tikki hadn't told him. And... there was nothing here! Adrien turned around, frantically looking in every direction.

There was a bright shape floating in the distance. Adrien squinted, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the intensity of the light. He began to make out its human form. It was a very familiar silhouette. Adrien recognized it right away.

But why was she here? Was it really her?

"My Lady! I need your help!" He called out to the featureless shape. "Please! I have to find Marinette!" The glowing form floated in front of him; she was too bright to see clearly. As she drew closer, Adrien squinted in the light.  His eyes hurt as he gazed at her, but he wouldn't close them. As she floated in front of him, Adrien couldn't make out any features other than her bluebell eyes.

"Please," Adrien begged. "I need to find her."

A glowing hand stretched toward him. Adrien hesitated a moment before he reached back. As his fingertips touched hers, the light started to withdraw from her skin, revealing opaque pink fingers in its wake. Adrien watched in amazement as more and more light transformed into flesh. Soon an entire hand was revealed, then an arm, then a torso. Until finally, the blinding light faded from her face, revealing... revealing...


Adrien blinked back at the smiling face in front of him. But...but this was Ladybug? He tried to swallow, but his mouth felt too dry. All at once, overlapping images of Marinette and Ladybug bombarded his mind. Ladybug and Marinette. Whatever magic was shielding her identity didn't exist in this place. Adrien could see her! It was his Lady floating before him. His lady who had jumped in front of a gun to save his life! His Lady, who was... Marinette.

Suddenly, Adrien felt like he was being thrown backward and falling all at the same time. He closed his eyes and focused on holding on to Marinette's hand.

Then, there was darkness.

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