The Fire Within: Secrets- Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

>Sierra's POV

It had been a week since I had learned what Cole and Spencer were hiding. I knew why he always had that pained look in his eyes and why Cole was so quiet when I was near, he didn't want to slip up. But now I knew, and I was broken.

The last few days were pretty lonely. Spencer never really talked to me anymore, Cole hadn't spoken to me since and for once, Bree wasn't bothering me. And that bothered me. She'd never give up the chance to prove she is way better than me. 

As I got to school, I was alone. I had no friends to talk to, now that Cole won't talk to me and Spencer.... I was used to being alone, because no one really tries to talk to me or be friends. I was just the loner and it didn't matter.

After what had happened, I felt like I had to prove something to him. And that led my mind, also the loneliness, to think I needed to kill myself to prove it. I haven't given much thought to that though. Except, that I will do it on his birthday, a present from me to him. Maybe, he'd finally understand, or maybe he wouldn't, but I know he'll be happier without me here to bother him.

I quickly walked to my locker, thinking of when Bree had attacked me. I was kind of scared that she might try to again, and this time would succeed. Then I remembered my 'plans' and had kind of started hoping she would. 

When I reached my locker I slowly put my combo in, and opened the door. I started to put my stuff that I didn't need into my locker and grabbed what I did need, then hurried off to Mr. Todd's room. 

As I sat down in my seat, I realized she didn't attack me and that Spencer was also in this room. I sighed, I tried to keep myself away from him. But I couldn't stop my heart from racing and my eyes from wandering over to his direction.

The first three periods went by quickly. I didn't really remember anything from english, government and Spanish, but I didn't care. Those classes were easy for me, and I had more things to worry about.

I hurried to my locker, after the bell rang, signaling the end of third period. When I had reached my locker, the bay was already empty. I sighed in relief. I went to my locker and started to put in my combo. Slowly, opening my locker, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned around and big surprise. It was Bree.

I sighed and put my backpack in my locker, closed it, then turned and looked at her. She hasd a smug look on her face. I could tell she wasn't happy, and that this was going to end badly. She raised her eyebrow, like she expected me to speak.

"What do you want?" I asked, irritate.

"What the heck is wrong with you!?" she practically screamed.

"Um.. excuse me?" I said surprised.

"Don't play smart with me," she growled.

"What is this about, Bree?" I asked, still shocked and surprised.

"What did you do to Spencer!?" she snarled.

"Um.. nothing," I replied, lamely.

"Yes, you did do something. He's been acting funny! What did you do!?" she growled, loudly.

Before I could even respond to her stupid question, she tackled me to the ground. In my head I thought What the Heck!?!?!?! 

She slapped me across the cheek. The sound of her hand against my cheek wasn't pretty. I growled. I wasn't going to let her do this again. I shoved her off me and stood up. She quickly scrambled up after me. She swung her fist at me, but I side stepped, and she hit the locker. She yelped in pain, then she slammed me into the lockers.

Let's say it hurt like heck! 

She, again, brought her fist up and it landed squarely on my eye, then she did it again, hitting my nose. I could feel the faint trace of blood leaking out of my nose. I clutched my fists, then punched her in the stomach. She doubled over in pain. I quickly dug my knee into her face and pushed her to the ground. She growled.

"Eff you, Riley!" she screamed.

I rolled my eyes, turning around to open my locker. Then Bree had gotten up again, and threw herself at me. I fell to the floor with a dull thump, then two of her wannabes came over to me and held me down. Bree walked over and crouched down.

"This is what happens when you mess with me and my boy," she snarled.

She got up and kicked me in the chest, then again in the ribs. She did this repeatedly. She kept kicking, and hitting and pulling. It hurt. The pain was overwhelming, I almost fainted.She kept kicking, and even some of the wannabe's, besides the ones holding me dow, had started to join in. Multiple kicks and punches everywhere.

After what seemed like hours, the wannabes let go, and I stood up. I wobbled. My head hurt like crazy, my sides throbbed and It was hard to see or hear. I could, though, see Bree. She was laughing, same with the others. She walked up to me, she smiled, then punched me.

I fell back into the lockers and blacked out.

What the heck!?!? What was wrong with Bree!?!? Those were my thoughts when I walked by Sierra's locker bay. Another fight was going on. I listened to what Bree said after she punched Sera into unconsciousness. She had said, "That'll teach the freak to mess with me and my guy, Spencer." When I heard that my heart leapt. It was my fault? No, it was Bree's. But she did this because of me? The I remembered Sera was hurt... 

I walked through the halls. I heard people whispering about a fight going on. Between Bree and... Sierra. Again!? I ran down the halls towards Sierra locker bay. I saw Spencer standing there, looking into the bay. It was empty now, except for Sierra lying on the floor. I sighed, and ran over to him. I kept hoping that she wasn't dead.

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