The Fire Within: Secrets- Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

>Sierra's POV

Time flew by at school, it was finally Winter Break! I was usually so happy, then I remembered my Mother wasn't here, My Father had now started working a lot, and I was alone with Nikole. She officially HATED me. 

I was happy. I was going to go hang out with Cole and Skyler and Jaz and Levi and Spencer! I logged off my laptop, setting it on my desk. Quickly, I brushed my hair, then I ran out of my room and down the stairs. Just as I was about to leave I remember I had to tell Nikole. Sighing, I walked away from the door and walked around the house, looking for Nikole.

I heard the television playing down stairs. So, quietly, I walked to the stairs, walking down. On the couch I saw Nikole, around her  were glass bottles. I couldn't read what the labels said, so I just ignored it and started to speak.

"Nikole-" I started. She cut me off, turning around to look at me.

"Sierra, get me another bottle! Now!" she hissed.

I looked at her. "No, I'm not your slave," I replied.

Then I heard something fly past my ear and clash at the wall. I turned and saw a broken glass bottle. My eyes widened. And of course, she threw another, hitting me on the back of my head. I cried out in pain and crumbled onto the floor. 

I looked up and saw her face, scowling at me. She started yelling, and kicking me. My ribs hurt, my head hurt. She kept kicking me in the stomache and ribs, then she started to punch me, dead on my nose, on my cheeks and eyes.

I couldn't do anything.

I just sat there, getting beat, again. And soon I was unconsious...


I woke up groggily. I looked at the time, it was yet only an hour and a half after when I told Cole I'd be there. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

It said:

Hey, Cole... I'm sorry I didn't meet up with you and everyone, I got a little... distracted... Sorry... I'll talk to you later...

I set my phone down on my nightstand. A drawer was pulled open. Confused, I looked inside and saw a knife. I was shocked. I had thought I had gotten rid of it. I had quit cutting after I had gotten out of the hospital. 

I had suddenly gotten a huge urge to cut. I grabbed the knife from the drawer. The blade felt nice in my hands. It was like my life was tied to it. I started to trace the outline of the blade. The feel of it against my skin was good, I never realized how much I missed it.

And, soon before I realized, I was dragging the blade acrossed my skin, over and over again. Sometimes it was just lightly, sometimes it was a little harder. The cimson tears started to show, slowly. I watched them, smiling to myself. I had almost forgotten how good it felt to cut and watch my skin cry these tears. My wrist was soon almost completely covered in the red liquid. 

I heard a knock on the door. Nikole had opened it, and was yelling at whoever it was. Then she called up to me that I have a visitor. My eyes widened. Cole! I hurried into the bathroom and washed my wrist, taking out a gauze and wrapped my arm, and pulled my sweatshirt sleeve over it. 

The Cole came into my room.

He looked at me, a single glance, then he entered the room and stood next to me. He swiftly grabbed my arm, the one I had cut, then he lifted the sleeve. He looked at the gauze, then slowly took the end and started to unwrap it, slowly. Time seemed to slow. I stared away from him, tears were forming in my eyes. Finally he had unwrapped the gauze.

My arm was burning. Badly. I looked at it. The wounds were fresh, still red. Cole's grip on my hand tightened. I bit my lip, looking at him. His gaze burned into me. I didn't like what I saw in his eyes. Pain. Sorrow. Anger. Hate. Passion.

"You said you quit!" he said, angerly.

"I did," I whispered.

"You did? You did!? Why did you do it again!?" he screamed.

I shook my head, I couldn't answer him. I started crying. I heard him sigh, then felt his arms wrap around me. I cried into his chest for what seemed like hours. He just simply sat there, holding me, comforting me. Soon my step-mother came up.

"Why are you crying, you worthless-" she stopped when she saw Cole there. "Oh, why is there someone here? Sierra, you know your not allowed to have friends over!" 

When she was done screaming at me and left, Cole looked at me. He looked surprised. Then he looked at me, at my face. His eyes widened with shock.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Um... Nothing... It was nothing..." I whispered.

I felt his fingertips lightly brush against my face, against my bruises. I turned away, I couldn't bare to look at him. He grabbed my chin, making me look at him. 

"It's not nothing, tell me what happened," he insisted.

"It's fine, it's nothing! Why don't you tell me what you and Spencer are hiding, huh?" I lashed out at him. 

I could see pain forming in his eyes. I hurt him. I groaned, falling onto my bed and burried my head into my pillow, crying hard. I felt the bed move as Cole got up. I could feel the faint touch of his lips against my head. It was hesitant. And, then his footsteps started to fade as he walked out.

She keeps getting hurt. First, her father and brother, then twice by Bree and now again, by someone else. And I, also, keep hurting her. I wish she would tell me. I hated seeing her hurt. The black, blue and purple bruises that were painted on her face, the pain that filled her eyes. I so badly want to tell her what me and Spencer are hiding, but the secret would hurt her, badly. It could kill her. I am stuck...

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