The Fire Within: Secrets- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

> Sierra's POV

That night wasn't the best either. My mind, again, was at constant thought of Cole and Spencer. Something was going on. It was something that hurt them. I din't like it.

Trying to push the thoughts away, I grabbed my laptop and logged onto facebook. Clicking on my notifications, I had a few. Mostly game requests, but there was something from Bree. Sighing, I clicked on it. It brought me to her page, and I had seen it.

She had written:

Sierra, you think this is over? Haha, just wait... Oh, just wait...

I looked at her post, confused. She officially is crazy. Why does she try fighting me so much? Can't she ever just leave me alone? I sighed, and clicked on chat to see who was on. I smiled. Cole was on. I clicked on his name and sent him a message.

Sierra: Hey...

I waited. He replied.

Cole: Hi

Sierra: Seriously, Cole, can you tell me what's wrong!?

I waited and waited. He finally replied.

Cole: I'm sorry, I can't tell you... I'm sorry... I'll talk to you tomorrow, Goodnight

And with that he logged off facebook. I stared at his message. He was acting so weird. He never did this. I stared at the screen for an hour, so lost in thought. Something was wrong with those two. But what? 

Irritated, I put my laptop on my night stand and went to the window. Looking at the stars helped a lot. The way the little balls of fire glowed in the dark blue sky, with the moon. It was almost like I was somewhere else. There was no other beauty like that on this planet. Well, maybe someone. Spencer was the one beautiful thing on Earth.

With a last look at the perfect placement of the stars and moon, I left the window, and turned my light off, then got into my bed. I stared into the darkness, sadly again, thinking of how Cole and Spencer were acting. I wish I knew. Then I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up to the early dawn sun rays shining into my window. Normally, it wouldn't bother me. But today it irretated me. As it slowly crept on me, as I thought about yesterday. I wondered if Cole and Spencer were going to act the same, or if it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

Slowly, I got out of bed and did my normal morning routine. It went slower today. I could get my mind off it. As quickly as I could, while going slowly, I took my shower, got dressed and did my make-up. When I looked good enough, I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs.

At the table, I saw my father. For a second, I didn't realize anything, then I looked at him. He wasn't wearing his normal attire, but a dressy casual shirt, and dressy type pants. When he noticed my presence, he smiled.

"Hello, Sierra," he said. A bright smile covered his face.

"Hi. What's going on?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking confused. 

I sighed. "You're dressed up for a date or something."

He took a deep breathe. "Okay, you're right. I have a date today, while you're at school."

"Ha! I knew it! So, who is it?" I asked.

"Um..." he looked at the clock. "Oh, look at the time, you have to get to school!"

I rolled my eyes, giving his a quick kiss on the cheek and a wave goodbye, before running out the door towards the school. I ran quickly, hoping to find Cole. Thankfully, my backpack wasn't too heavy today so I could run decently. But as I ran, I didn't see him.

When I got to the school, there was only a few students outside yet. Confused, I walked into the school, to my locker. Quickly, I put my combonation in and had put my things in when it happened. Someone came and slammed my locker. Jumping, I turned around and saw Bree. She looked angry! Her eyes were red and glaring, her fists were clentched.

Before I knew anything, her fist connected to my nose. I slammed into the lockers. I let out a hiss of pain and annoyance.

"What is your problem?!" I hissed at her.

She glared at me. "You."

Then again her fist flew towards my face, thankfully I side stepped, and her fist connected to a locker. She let out a small cry of pain, before turning back and coming straight into my fist. She doubled over in pain. After a second, I thought it was over, but then she grabbed my shirt, slamming me into the lockers. Then punched me repeatedly.

Hit, after hit. Time, and time again. She wouldn't stop. My nose was bleeding, I'm pretty sure I was going to have a black eye and bruised cheek bones. But no matter what, she just wouldn't stop. My head kept banging into the lockers, again and again. 

My vision was getting blurry, my hearing was fuzzy and my throat was soar, as she was now choking me. In the distance, I could see Spencer. Horror and worry filled his eyes, but he stood there. Frozen. Then I saw Cole. He walked over to Spencer, then looked over at me, following Spencer's gaze. His eyes widened. I gave him a small smile. 

I saw him running over, but once Bree's fist connect to my temple, I fell down, my vision almost completely black. I saw him looking at me. I tried to speak but my throat was bruised and hurt. I saw his lips moving, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Then with that, I blacked out.

When I got to the school, I was shocked. Spencer stood there, frozen. Sierra was getting beaten. When she looked at me, she looked emotionless. Blood streamed out of her nose, bruises were forming all over her face.  I paniced. Was Bree going to kill her?! Quickly, I ran over to her. Now, she was on the ground, looking at her small form, scared me. She gave me a little small, then she closed her eyes. Then I turned on Bree, and yelled at her. Looking past her, I saw Spencer running towards the office. Good. Sierra needed help.

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