"The thug made off with a very precious necklace... and I am not strong enough to retrieve it on my own. I need someone else to do it for me... someone like you."

Here, Rya pauses. A realization hits her, and she hastens to explain the slight hitch in this plan of action, before the Tarnished can either agree or disagree, and later call her a liar for withholding information.

"Only... you should know, he too is a Tarnished. If you've any qualms about confronting your own, I shall find another..."

But even before she's done talking, the Tarnished is shaking his head mutely and stepping forward. To Rya's surprise, he places a hand on her shoulder, which shocks her into absolute silence. Her mistress... her mistress had placed a protective ward on her, before she'd left. Twas meant to safeguard her from all harm.

Unfortunately, it had not safeguarded her from her own stupidity, and when that brigand had asked to see her necklace, Rya had foolishly let him, allowing him to run off with it without ever having to breach her protection in the first place.

Now though, Rya can only stiffen in fright as she realizes this new Tarnished... is completely ignoring the ward like it isn't even there. Her protection is meaningless before him, the barrier just lets him through like it's not even there. Rya's breath catches in her throat, and for the first time she's not merely fretting... she's afraid.

But then that moment of terror passes, as the Tarnished uses his ability to get past her protective barrier to... squeeze her shoulder comfortingly and give her a consoling nod. Rya bites her lower lip, stooped over by the hunchback of her human form, and looks up at the well-armored Tarnished.

"You... oh, thank you dearly, Tarnished. W-What a blessing that we've met like this. The thug should be resting at the abandoned home just down the way. P-Please... I must have the necklace back."

It was her most valuable possession. Lady Tanith assured her that it was a picture of her mother, of the woman who had given birth to Rya. She cherished it with all her heart, and always kept it close to her. Until now. Until she'd been so foolish as to let it be taken by that... that ruffian.

Fortunately, her luck seems to be turning around. This new Tarnished, clad in such powerful armor, gives her a single solid nod and steps away from her. Rya watches him go from over the short wall of the pavilion, as he remounts his Spectral Steed and continues down the way towards the abandoned house she'd lost her necklace at.

Soon enough he's out of sight, and all Rya can do is stand there and wait. She can only hope the Tarnished returns triumphant soon enough. If he does, why... he'll be her hero! Ah, but she does hope that the ruffian is made to suffer. Rya bites her lower lip again, as she imagines the Tarnished's Crucible Greatsword slicing right through that thuggish brute's chest. It would certainly show him, enticing her with the delectable scent of his Boiled Prawn.

How was she to know he meant for there to be a trade between them? When he'd asked her to see her necklace and had in turn given her a sample of his prawn, why... she'd thought it merely a sample! But then he'd kept the necklace once she'd eaten the prawn and claimed it as payment. And while his Boiled Prawn WAS delicious, she most certainly did not think the paltry serving she'd been given was worth her most valuable possession!

To say Rya had been distraught would be an understatement. She was... bamboozled. Tricked by the Prawn Seller. His wily ways and his smooth words had completely and utterly taken her in.

It made her afraid that perhaps she'd placed her faith in the wrong Tarnished yet again. Now, Rya knew better than to think ALL Tarnished were bad. In fact, Volcano Manor was home to several Tarnished Warriors who were quite good folk! Yes, Tarnished came in all shapes and sizes, all colors and types. Rya had met plenty of good Tarnished and would not let this one bad experience taint her view of the group as a whole!

Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя