It's not Right Time

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Vishal's POV

Nikki was inconsolable

"How do I face everyone Vishu..." 

"Everything will be fine with time" i said 

"I will ask forgiveness from Aishwarya... I'm ashamed of myself... don't know how I could even think of something like that to a girl. I even slapped her twice Vishu... said, 'I will kill you'. 

If that was not enough, I said, 'You think Vicky would lead a happy life with you, marrying you and have kids? Never... he loathes your family.... you are just a sheep, trusting him again and again even after knowing what we did.... 

He would break your heart again and throw you out. Get out if you have any shame'

"Nikki" i shouted in frustration 

" You know how much Vicky loves her. How could you say such things. After so much struggle she was ready to accept him for the sake of everyone's happiness. And you... you broke her trust again. I don't know if she would ever trust Vicky again...

Did you see how scared she was with you and even Vicky... she was mentally disturbed, didn't let anyone to come near her especially Vicky and Doctor... Even me. She thought we all would kill her child.

Can you imagine how much it hurt Vicky when Aishu accused him that he would kill his own child?

She didn't trust anyone of us, shouted at us. When I said, she needs medical help, she asked for Sushanth"

"Sushanth? That bastard who misbehaved with her?" She asked in shock 

"He changed, Aishu changed him. She saved him from Vicky. Vicky would have killed or arrested him if not for Aishu. When Sushanth wanted to quit medicine, she persuaded him. 

Actually he is not that bad... he loves Aishu so much... probably couldn't take it when he found she was pregnant"

"He loves her?" She asked in shock

"Anyone would love her but don't worry he knows his limits and just wants her happiness. Today he punched his own professor in front of whole department  when he talked nonsense to Aishu. Dr. Nathan covets HOD position and targets Aishu because she is my family.

Sushanth used his influence to dismiss Dr. Nathan" I said 

"I'm a monster Vishu... I will beg her forgiveness as soon as she wakes up and tell truth about letter" she said 

"It's not good time, she is mentally disturbed right now, it's not good for baby. Stay away from her for few days...they both won't wake up till morning. I will drop you home" i said 

She agreed after lot of persuasion.

"Vishu, can I see Aishu's baby, I mean ultrasound. She would never let me once she wakes up" she pleaded

I know it's not right but I can't say no to her especially in this condition. I called lady junior doctor who was on duty and asked to do ultrasound. I went out.

Nikki was emotional coming out of the room...cried in happiness, seeing her grandmother(that's what she believes) and seeing a baby in womb is great feeling. 

I informed Sushanth that I'm going home to drop Nikki.

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