Let's forget everything

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Aishwarya's POV

My heart broke hearing aunty's response. I would be a reminder of their loss. It would cause pain for them to have me. Should I leave before they get more attached to them? I can't leave them, I don't know if I could live alone. I was ready to live alone one month back for my baby.

In this one month I have grown attached to them like my own family. 

God! Why are you punishing me like this? Why did I end up in Vikram's family out of all the places in India? Why did I even stay in Mumbai?

I was deep in my sorrows when I felt a hand on my mouth. It's Vikram.

"Please don't shout! I just want to talk to you" he said removing his hand

"I'm in no condition to hear your accusations, I'm totally drained. Can you please leave me alone for today. It's more eventful than my brain can take" I pleaded 

He stared at me for a moment

"Ok, let's not talk about anything. Come with me" he said 

"Where?" I asked 

"Let's not fight or argue, forget the bitter memories,  come with me" he said 

I don't even know why but I followed him

He took me to terrace. We both sat in the swing under gazebo there. This is one of my favorite places in this house. This gazebo is covered with night queen jasmine vines, smells exotic.  We sat there looking at the stars enjoying the pleasant smell.

I woke up to find myself leaning on his shoulder holding his arm. I looked at my watch, it's 4:30 am. I got up without disturbing him. Is he the same person who killed my heart? There is always care and possessiveness in his actions. Why did he do that? I can clearly see his love.

I remember that letter. Mahesh is messing with my head. That's why I'm getting such ideas like he loves me and care for me. 

I went downstairs. I'm hungry, went to kitchen and drank almond milk after brushing.

"Good morning" uncle wished

"Good morning uncle" i said 

"I thought you would wake up late" he said 

"Im hungry" i said 

"Do you want to eat something? I can make omelette. Shanthi is still sleeping " He said 

"Thank you uncle, I drank milk. Sorry about last night, I disturbed you both" I apologized. 

"Don't think too much and worry, we want your happiness. Remember what I said, don't feel guilty for something you didn't do. I differ with Shanthi, who is your family doesn't matter, who you are matters. You have golden heart Aishu, no one can think about your family once they knew you" uncle said 

"Thank you uncle, I will get coffee. Please bear with it" i said 

Uncle smiled sitting in couch taking newspaper 

I remember how aunty makes for uncle 

"Coffee is just like Shanthi's, thank you" uncle complimented drinking

"Thank you uncle, I'm sure it's not as good as aunty's" i said

"If I didn't know, I would have thought Shanthi made. You know I don't lie" he said 

"Are you ok to go for walking?" Uncle asked 

I nodded

"10 minutes uncle" i said 

"Good morning dad, good morning Aishu" I heard Vikram

"Good morning Vicky, I didn't expect you to see early. I see you became lazy" uncle said 

"I want to join you in jogging from today" he said

"That's good" uncle said 

"Do you want coffee?" I asked Vikram

"You make coffee?" He asked in surprise. He knows I don't know cookin

"Yes, uncle is drinking my coffee"


I know he would tease my cooking skills

"Aunty taught me" I interrupted him 

"Ok" he said 

I made him coffee

"It's just like mom's, thank you" he said 

I smiled

"Get ready, let's go" uncle said 

Vikram drove us to beach. They both were discussing about crimes and department.

Three of us jogged. Since aunty is not here I too joined uncle

Uncle dropped me in college after breakfast 

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