Can't Hide Truth

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Vikranth's POV 

Aishu went to hospital after I insisted 

"Swathi will be fine right!" I asked 

"I promise it's not dangerous at all uncle. Google about it if you still have doubts" Vishal said 

I feel relieved 

"Vikram will be happy to find Swathi's whereabouts but don't know how he reacts knowing she is married to Aishu's brother. He broke Aishu in the name of revenge for Swathi when Aishu is the one who took care of Swathi all these years. It would kill him, he is already very guilty" I said 

"Aishu shares very good bond with Swathi. Swathi rejected Anil thinking it would affect her friendship with Aishu. If she knows what Vikram did to Aishu... she would never see his face" he said 

I can imagine the importance of Aishu in Swathi's life. She grew up as orphan with misery. Aishu rescued her, gave shelter and gave family. Though we are her family, for her we are strangers. 

Swathi gifted the only item related to her birth(chain) to Aishu, that shows her love for Aishu. She would hate Vikram especially knowing how he used Aishu for revenge. Aishu thinks Vikram pretended to love and fake married Aishu for one night.

Aishu didn't  tell us Vikram is the one who betrayed her. Even now she wouldn't tell but truth can't  be hidden. If that happens, Swathi wouldn't even see Vikram's face and he can't live. 

"Look at the fate Vishal, Swathi is legally adopted by Ram Chandra Reddy, the man who destroyed our family, the man who separated Swathi from us" 

"And Vicky fell in love with his niece" Vishal smiled

"Aishu's chain..." Shanthi said emotionally coming to living room

"Her sister in law, Neetu is Swathi" I said 

"Let's go to our daughter" she said emotionally 

I made her sit

"Swathi is in Newyork, would return in two months" i said

"Neetu has cancer..." Shanthi said crying

"It's not dangerous at all aunty. She is totally fine" Vishal said

"Aishu told me long back, i didn't know it's our daughter at that time. I want to see Swathi. Take me Vikranth, I can't wait two months" she said

My phone rang, it's Aishu. I turned on speaker

"Is aunty awake? How is she doing?" Aishu asked

"I'm fine Aishu, thank you for taking care of my daughter" Shanthi said

"She is wonderful person aunty, anyone would love her. I sent Swathi's pics to uncle's phone, thought you might want to see her. It's late night and she would be sleeping. Please don't take stress aunty, take care of yourself. Sorry I couldn't stay with you" Aishu said emotionally 

"Thank you Aishu. I'm sure Vikranth and Vishal sent you. I'm fine, don't worry about me" Shanthi said

"See you evening aunty, bye" 

I opened pictures in my phone. There are so many pics of Swathi, from her teenage to marriage. 

"Swathi looks like you" Shanthi said 

She was emotional looking at them, so am I. We missed every phase of her.

"If Swathi knows what Vicky did..." Shanthi said in panic

"I thought about it Shanthi. Truth can't be hidden forever. If Vicky and Aishu forget past and be happy... the unfortunate incidents can be forgotten. 

Let's go away from here for few weeks leaving Aishu and Vicky alone... let them reconcile forgetting bitter memories" I suggested 

"Aishu is pregnant, she needs me" Shanthi said

"We will arrange everything. Let Vicky take care of her. She sees Vicky's love but have doubts because of what happened. Let her forgive and accept Vicky wholeheartedly as husband. Then we will tell Vicky about Swathi" I said 

"We will go to Newyork to see our daughter. Tanvi(Nikki's mom) is there anyway. Nikki is also suffering because of the revenge, Vicky and Vishal are not talking to her. We will make her understand and bring out of it" Shanthi said 

"Probably not now... once Swathi recovers and things between Vicky and Aishu are good..? We will tell" 

Shanthi nodded

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