I Hate Myself

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Aishwarya's POV 

"I went to the hotel. Sagar was not there, he left me a letter....." I couldn't finish. I never imagined Sagar could do something like that

"It's ok Child, get it off your chest" Vikranth uncle said calmly holding my hand

"He did it to take revenge against my family, he..... left me money in the envelope thanking me.....for the wonderful..... night...." 

"What? That bastard? Who is he? I'm not going to leave him Aishwarya" Vikranth uncle shouted

I cried for what seemed like forever remembering that letter.

"Everything he told was fake, even the people I have known for 6 years were set up by him and his cousin. I'm not even sure if she is his cousin. I know nothing about his real identity. He would be hardly 24 or 25. I don't know what my family did to him to go to this extent.

He faked everything, love, marriage and finally...paid me for one night. I hate myself..."

"I will get him punished wherever he is, don't worry my child. You didnt do any wrong.  It's his loss" uncle consoled me

"No uncle, I don't want to see his face. I want to forget that I ever met him. I can't go back home for now, will go after few years. Anyway no one would want to talk to me except my mama. Let him think I'm happy, otherwise he would be shattered" I said 

"Doctor said, you are..." 

I guessed his hesitation 

"Pregnant?" I asked 

He nodded. Why is God punishing me like this? What sin did I do?

"What do you want to do?" He asked hesitantly 

"I want to erase him from my life but I can't kill an innocent life. I gave entrance exam for PG, I'm sure to get into any medical college. Classes would be starting in a month. I will join in Mumbai itself, I'm used to this place for the past few weeks. I can't go to Hyderabad or Delhi. I graduated from AIIMS. I'm familiar with only those two places and now Mumbai.

I will look for an apartment" I said 

"I'm very proud of you Aishwarya, stay with us" he said 

"It's ok uncle, I can stay alone. Don't worry" I said 

"I live alone with my wife. I have son, he is a police officer and his posting is in different place. My wife would be happy to have someone around her" he said 

I don't know what to say

"How about you stay as paying guest? Anyway you are looking for an apartment" he suggested 

"Thank you uncle, that's  very nice of you. I will stay in your home"

"I have a condition, you have to spend some of your free time with us" he said 

"Of course uncle I'm your niece" 

"You needn't have to pay me Aishwarya. If you want give me when you  settle down" uncle said 

"I have steady income. We have tradition in our family, as soon as we are 18, we are given some property and have to manage. We are into real estate and our family give advise but it's totally upto us. We manage our expenses since then. 

Please uncle, let me pay" I said. I can't live as a burden 

"Wow! You have amazing family, giving responsibilities at that age itself. If you insist I would take. I already mentioned about you to my wife, she would be happy to have you" he told

"You know me?" I asked wondering how

He told me about the incidents

"You thought I was trying to commit suicide?" I asked in shock. Maybe standing on the edge of rocks with pathetic look would seem so for others

He nodded

"That thought crossed my mind uncle but I would never do such thing. It's true I hate myself for letting him destroy me and my family but I will not punish my family. That's what he wants, I will not give him the satisfaction.  I can see I'm going to have difficult future.

He fake married me but to the world I'm unmarried,  going to be mother. I understand hardships of single mother but I'm strong enough to give good life to my baby. After few years I will go back to family and tell I'm divorced or better he is dead. 

Yes that's better, he doesn't exist for me" I told more to myself than him

"I will be there for you always" he said. I could see my mama in him

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