Wish things were Simple

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Vishal's POV 

"Thank you Mahesh for taking care of Dr. Reddy. I'm sorry about this afternoon. You were right, I shouldn't have let Vicky misbehave with Dr. Reddy" 

"I can't blame you sir, those two are unique pieces, love each other but are separated because of circumstances" he said sadly

"You knew everything" I asked surprised the way he said about them

I saw Aishu few times before. I admired her for her brave and kind nature. I  also knew about her pregnancy. Vikram's dad brought her to this hospital, she fainted after performing CPR. He told she is her niece. I really thought so from the way he took care of her.

I was happy to see her this morning. She came with you and Vikram.

I guessed Vikram is the father of her child from the way he behaved. Aishu confirmed.

I hope they could solve problems between them and get back together. He seemed to love her so much, I don't understand why he broke up with her" he said sadly

"I wish it's simple, their life is messy. I will make sure they get back together. Thank you for your concern Vishal. She is married but to this world she is unwed. She is pregnant, it's not hard to imagine the kind of problems she would be facing. 

I joined here because of that reason..

Please watch out for Aishu, you already seem to be her friend. I wish she was in your batch

Keep an eye on Sushanth. I don't like the way he is looking at Aishu" i said

"Definitely sir, I have respect for her even before I met her personally today.  After knowing her it increased.. she is beautiful,  rich pampered child still there is no hint of arrogance. All I see is kindness and braveness. Very rare to find sir" he said 

Yes it's true, its hard to find a girl like her. I'm scared he is in love with her

"Mahesh" I said not knowing what to say

"I'm engaged sir, I admire her, that's all" he said smiling 

I felt relieved 

"You seem to have strained relation with Aishu sir" he asked 

"My bad luck Mahesh, I tried to prevent her from hurting, but nothing is in our hands" I said sadly 

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