I Can't Trust you

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Vishal's POV

Im over the moon to have Swathi back... I talk to her, she is as sweet as Shanthi aunty. 

Vicky is trying hard to gain Aishu's trust. She loves him so much but something is stopping her to accept him. Maybe it's hard for any girl to accept especially after getting betrayed this way. I hope she understands Vicky's love soon.

It's been a month since aunty and uncle went to Newyork.... Varna is in London... she said, she is going on some project but the real reason is, she is shattered knowing what we did to Aishu. The day she learnt about it, she destroyed everything in our living room, crying, cursing us.... She loves Aishu so much...

Luckily my parents were not there....

She loves Rehaan....she is unable to face him knowing we were the reason for what Aishu and he went through...

I don't know when things will become normal!

This morning I heard about what happened in our department. He was my professor, great doctor. I wish he was good human being.. I know his behavior with Aishu, she handles perfectly so I dont interfere as it would make the situation worse.

I am angry with his behavior but for the first time I pity him. I got call from Educational minister asking for dismissing Dr. Nathan.

I'm sure this is Sushanth's work. Sushanth is totally a changed person, he loves Aishu but never crossed his limits after that incident. I'm surprised to see  Aishu being very cordial with him..

Vicky called me evening, he was very very happy. He said, Aishu is ready to forget past and accept him....

I was so happy, asked him to make it special. He said, he has meeting with SP now.... will plan something after that..

I thanked god.... they both suffered a lot, deserve happiness

I was reading article about new medicine for brain tumor when Nikki called.. I was surprised. After I warned her that I wouldn't talk to her till she fixes Aishu and Vikram's relation, she was angry with me, thought I would pacify her as always do but I didn't.

This is the first time she called me in almost 5 months

"You think I would let that girl in my home? Why are you so dumb, she is here for revenge. How could you let her?  I'm going to kill her if I have to" she said angrily

"Nikki, don't do anything..."

I tried to tell but she cut me

"I will fix everything" She said angrily and cut the call

I called back but she didn't pick. Is she in India?

I have to stop her before she cause damage. Everything was going perfect... I started immediately to Vicky's home.

The front door was open, I went inside...Aishu was on floor clutching her stomach in pain and Nikhi staring at her

"Aishu" I shouted in  fear

she looked at me in relief

I ran to Aishu and held her

"Aishu, are you ok" I asked

"It's hurting, please take me to hospital" she cried

"Don't worry, everything will be fine" I assured her

"She is doing drama? I didn't do anything, just pushed her lightly" Nikhi said angrily

Push her? Oh my God! I hope baby is fine. I could see finger marks on Aishu's cheeks. What have you become Nikki! physically abusing Aishu.

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