Everything happened with my Approval (Past)

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Aishwarya's POV 

I drank milk and ate some fruits. I want to have dinner with Vicky. I took shower and went to my closet going through all the dresses contemplating what to wear. Finally I settled on black saree. 

I wore it and applied light make up

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I wore it and applied light make up. I sat in living room, waiting for Vicky. I want to tell him, 'I'm ready to give our relationship second chance'.

I remembered the day we got married, it was the first time he saw me in saree.

 My mind went back to that day... it was the day I returned to Hyderabad after graduating


Note : in the past Aishwarya knows Vicky/Vikram as Sagar. She didn't know his real name

I got call from Nikki after my flight landed

"Aishu, I was talking to Sagar.. I heard his scream... his phone is switched off..." she said I panic

I got scared

"Where is he?" I asked crying

"He is in our farmhouse in Hyderabad. Your family is there, can you please ask someone to check" she begged

"I'm in Hyderabad, text me address immediately" I said

She sent and I took cab

Nikki never called me. I'm scared with my mind going wild. I reached the place, it's in the outskirts. Door was open. I rushed inside shouting Sagar

When I entered the bedroom, I heard the door close. It's dark except for dimly lit candles. I got scared

I felt hand on my shoulder, it's Sagar. I felt I got my life back. I hugged him and cried

"How is the surprise?" He asked

I pushed him and slapped him hard again and again and sat on my knees crying.

He hugged me and patted my back consoling

"I hate you" I said in between sobs

"Sorry... I wanted to surprise you. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said

"Surprise? I died every second thinking what happened to you. Do you have any idea how scared I was" I shouted

"Sorry" he said

"I don't want to see your face" I said leaving

He held my hand

"I have been waiting for this day since our second meet. Please Aishu..." He said sitting on his knees

"I never believed in love at first sight till I met you. Your mere thoughts bring smile on my lips. My life is void without you. I didn't know how I lived without you all these years but I don't want a single second without you. Will you marry me and be with me for the rest of my existence?"

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