Revenge burns US

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Vishal's POV

I went out and called Sushanth

"Please bring strong sedative immediately"

"Ok, two minutes" he said

He came inside and was shocked to see Vicky's condition and Nikhi's. I gave sedative to Vicky, he lost consciousness in a minute. Sushanth helped me to lay Vicky on bed next to Aishu's.

I thanked him and requested him to give us some privacy. He hesitated looking at Nikki, probably scared of leaving Aishu with Nikki

"She is Nikki, my fiancé, Vicky's cousin. Don't worry about Aishu, I will take care" I assured him. He left

"Do you see what you did Nikhi?

"The people you wanted to take revenge are ok thinking their daughter is happy. Your revenge destroyed Vicky and Aishu.

Aishu is outsider but Vicky is your cousin, I thought you love him more than anyone. I used to think I will come after Vicky for you. How could you not see his love for Aishu and the pain from separation?" I vented my anger on Nikhi

"I really didn't know they got married and got intimate that night. Vicky didn't tell me" Nikhi said guiltily

"Do you expect Vicky to share his sex life with you? You should have understood his love when he pleaded you that he can't break up with Aishu" I scolded her

"I should have told you before itself, but I think it's time for you to know the extent of damage you caused...

I told her Vicky's state after breaking up, trying to commit suicide... about Aishu too... how broken she was...

"Varna too is hurt because of our revenge plan"

"What? Varna? How? Why?" She asked in shock

"Varna loves Rehaan..."

"Rehaan? Aishwarya's cousin?"

"Hmm... she's been in love with him since college. He is her senior. . I noticed her depressed during the time We planned Aishu's engagement with Rehaan... I didn't think much about it...She would have been hurt knowing about his marriage. 

She became friends with Aishu, loves her so much, knows everything happened in Aishu's life, she saw her pain...when she learnt it was us, she couldn't bear it... she left home, not talking to me..." I said sadly. I miss her

"I'm a monster Vishu... what Aishwarya said is right, my dad is epitome of righteousness and he would die in shame learning my deeds"

Nikki is drown in guilt, shame and pain knowing how much she hurt Vicky. She loves him so much...about Varna... Aishu too

"What I meant in that letter was, their family being humiliated in front of everwhen Aishwarya didn't go for her own engagement. My intention was, revenge was wonderful than I expected. I didn't know she would get different meaning.

When you said she is pregnant, I prayed god for baby and Aishwarya's safety. Then I prayed that whatever happened between them shouldn't have happened that night though I was sure it would have happened on that night.

Vicky would never forgive me. You already hate me. You are right Vishu, revenge burns us along with the people we want to take revenge. In my case it destroyed us and and Aishwarya. I tried so much to hate her but I never could. She is so pure. 

Today when I went home, she was cordial, asked me if I want something to drink... she didn't shout at me for what I did. That made me angry... she is so good, I can't digest that... 

I hate myself.

You know how much I love my grandma! She used to say, 'I will be born as Vicky's daughter after my death'.  Aishwarya would never let me touch her baby" Nikhi cried

Though I wanted to scold her for everything she did, seeing her condition I pitied

"Nikhi, I think it would be better if I sedate you too" I suggested

"No Vishu, let me bear this pain, I deserve it. I'm worried for Vicky and Aishwarya. She wouldn't believe that it was me who did everything.

Vicky can't bear the pain knowing how much pain and humiliation Aishu endured because of him"

"You have no idea Nikhi. You saw Sushanth right, the one who was here, he is in same batch as Aishu. He knew she was pregnant and was not married. He  harassed her.... Kind of blackmailed her .. ."

"That bastard... he is here after everything he did...." She shouted in anger

"Aishu handled him but she was broken inside being called  characterless. She went home crying, Vicky asked, 'what happened'

Aishu was mad at Vicky since he is the reason. She told Vicky, 'go celebrate with your friends because I'm characterless in front of everyone's eyes'. It broke his heart" I told her that incident

"I'm responsible for everything" Nikhi said in shame

"He came to know about her pregnancy that day from Aishu's conversation with Varna. I knew it the first day I met her in Vicky's home. She asked me not to tell Vicky.

I told her several times that Vicky loves her so much, forget past and be happy with Vicky. Sometimes I yelled at her for not understanding Vicky's love. Now I understand why she couldn't forget. No girl could forget that.

Today Vicky called me and said excitedly that Aishu is ready to give him second chance. You spilled everything....

Why did you come suddenly? How do you know Aishu is here?" I asked 

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