Couldn't Believe my ears

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Flashback continuation 

Vikram's POV

"Im very proud of you Aishu, I did expect this angle in you" i complimented her

"Thank you, I'm sensitive that doesn't mean I don't stand up for myself when needed" she said

"I will be in the trail room, can you please get me one shirt" she asked looking uncomfortable

That drink spread on her shirt and it's sticking to her body. I'm glad she is wearing black top not light color.

"I will get, go" I said

I went to ladies section. I liked white colored chudidar. I wanted to see her in this. It's small size, hope it fits her

I got it billed. I knocked the door, Aishu opened the door slightly and took the dress.

She came out in that dress. She look so beautiful, it fitted her perfectly

 She look so beautiful, it fitted her perfectly

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"It look good on you" I complimented

"Thank you" she said shyly

Vishal called

"Where are you? I will pick you up. You need to go to airport" he said

"Get my luggage to airport, I will be there by 4:45" I said

Aishu looked very sad hearing me

"I will be back in 10 minutes " she said leaving

She looked like she is going to cry.

I held her hand

"I will be back soon, it's ok" I said

She hugged me tightly and cried. I hugged her back and kissed her head

"I will never leave you Aishu, I can't live without you, I can't go if you cry like this" I felt terrible seeing her cry. I came here to see her smile

"I love you" she confessed

I couldn't believe my ears. She said 'I love you' to me

"I love you Aishu, I wanted to tell before but Karan said, you have exams in one month, not to disturb you"

"Karan knows?" She asked in shock

"Why do you think he asked me to come when you were not feeling good?" I asked

"I had no idea" she said

Suddenly she released me from hug feeling conscious about surroundings. People were staring at us

"It's ok, let's go" I said holding her hand. It felt so good walking holding her hand

We got into the cab, she sat leaning her head on my shoulder, holding my hand

"When will you return" she asked

"After this presentation I would be busy with my exams, may be two months.

You too have exams in three months. Do well, don't think about anything, just concentrate on your studies. I wanted to propose after your exams" i said

"Im topper in all the semesters and got gold medals in all the subjects. I would blame you if I don't get this time" she said smiling

I know she is smart but didn't think gold medalist in all semesters. She is beauty with brains and beautiful heart

"You are the one Who proposed first, I will blame you if I don't get gold medal" I teased her

She smiled

"Keep smiling, I came from Mumbai just to bring smile on your face" I confessed

"Thank you Sagar" she said

I feel bad every time she calls me Sagar. I hope she understands. I want to hear 'I love you Vicky' from her mouth. Sagar is not my name.

We reached airport. Karan was already there waiting.

"You look good in chudidar Aishu" Vishal complimented

"Thank you" she said shyly looking at me

He looked at me. I don't know what he saw in my face, his eyes widened in surprise

He excused himself and went to restroom

I got message from him

'I want to talk to you right now, I will be in restroom, come in 2 minutes"

"I will complete security check and come, wait here" I said and went to restroom

"What happened? You and Aishu are blushing" he asked as soon as I went inside restroom

"I proposed her" i said

"I told you not to disturb her till exams" he said seriously

"Actually she confessed first" i said blushing

"Aishu confessed? Are you serious?" He asked

I blushed

"I'm so happy for you both, remember what I said, once you commit never look back" he warned

"Do I look like that? I love her so much, can't imagine my life without her. I wonder how she became center of my life suddenly" I confessed

"That's the magic of love, Let's go we can't keep Aishu waiting. You go tell bye to her, I will come later" he said

I went to Aishu, she is looking all gloomy

I hugged her

"I can't go if you look sad, send with beautiful smile. I will be back by the time you finish your exams"

"All the best" she said smiling. I could still see sadness in her eyes

"All the best, I want you to get gold medal. I can't accept anything less" I said

She smiled

I went inside, it's time to check in. Vishal was inside

"Take care of her" I told him

"Don't worry worry about her. Do well" he waved me bye

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