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Vikram's POV

"Aishu, don't think about anything right now. Remember you brother is convinced that you are absolutely happy and he will be coming after two months. Go to bed, you have college tomorrow" i said

She nodded 

"Stay with me till I fall asleep" she asked 

"I will change and come, you too fresh up and change" I said 

I changed into my nightwear and went to her room. Aishu came out of restroom in pajamas after sometime. I made her lay on bed and sat down near her bed holding her hand. She tried to oppose, I asked her not to talk. I played music on my phone. She slept after two songs. 

I was so happy this morning, marrying Aishu. Thought all the problems solved. I was always worried about Aishu accepting me and my parents accepting Aishu even after knowing who she is. 

Never thought about her family accepting me after knowing what I did to them. How can I be so stupid? They faced so much humiliation, no way they could forget. I even broke up with Aishu. I'm extremely fortunate that she ended up in my home. 

I'm scared to think of their reaction learning how much I hurt Aishu for taking revenge on them.

Aishu was very happy to get call from her brother. Aishu was scared that he would know the truth. Aishu's mama is convinced that she is living happily with her husband but Rehaan was not convinced. He came here and checked personally. He is hundred percent convinced now.

Aishu's brother seems to be very sharp. Everything is perfect in Aishu's life from her family's POV. Still her brother is digging whole truth. He is almost convinced that we are taking revenge for whatever Aishu's mama did to our family. 

He correctly guessed but thought it's dad. He suspected I made her pregnant before marriage and blackmailing her. I was shocked at the way he was thinking. Very sharp investigative brain. Aishu knew what he was thinking, she lied about when we got married and how many weeks she is pregnant. I saw how much torture she felt lying to her brother.

Even after Aishu managed everything, he was not convinced. He asked to swear on him and tell. She lied but technically told the truth. I can understand her inner turmoil doing that.

If Anil comes here my cover will be blown. I'm 100% sure he would dig out the truth from the roots. I messaged dad, 'Dad if you are awake can you please come to terrace. I want to talk to you'

Dad replied, 'I'm coming'

Aishu is sleeping peacefully holding my hand. Gently I removed her hand from mine and went to terrace.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked

I told him everything about Anil's call and my fears about Aishu's family's reaction to my sins

"I thought about it few days back. You were already tensed so didn't bring it up.... Vicky, accepting Aishu as wife means accepting her family too. I couldn't forgive Ram Chandra Reddy before but after knowing what you did I feel too shameful to face him. He is great father but I'm failure..." dad said sadly

"I'm sorry dad, it's not your fault, you are great father. I brought shame to you" I apologized 

"Truth can never be hid forever, they will learn eventually but don't know how they react. They would forget the humiliation but can never forgive you for what you did to Aishu. She herself hate you though she loves you" dad said

"I never meant to hurt...." Dad didn't let me finish

"Whether intentional or not, what you did is sin Vicky. Imagine yourself in Aishu's place. You made her fall for you, showed her dreams, married and broke up the next day. Her family faced humiliation, disowned her. She is pregnant. You didn't make any effort to find her before meeting accidentally. How would she feel?

No girl can trust a person who did that. She loves you but can never trust you Vicky. Trust is the base for any relation. It's easy to break someone's trust but takes lifetime to build. 

Remove insecurities in Aishu, gain her trust. Things will fall in place" dad said 

"Yes dad, I will earn her trust. Thank you dad. Good night" I wished and went to Aishu's room.

I married Aishu few months back unexpectedly, without any rituals but Aishu was very happy that day. We consummated our marriage. It was the best night in my life. Today we married with all the rituals but Aishu is not happy, me neither. I'm very happy to marry Aishu but I feel worse with the way I convinced Aishu for marriage, I blackmailed her. 

The night we married in secret, Aishu asked me to make love to her. Today she doesn't even want to share her bed with me after marrying in front of our family. 

Why is my life complicated? Why is the girl I love, related to the person I hate the most? God is cruel! Why did he make me break her heart. 

I looked at Aishu, she is sleeping with frown, not peaceful even in her sleep. I'm responsible for her sadness. I lifted her shirt and kept my hand on her tummy. Our baby, made from our love is growing inside Aishu. It gave me hope. Ever since Aishu told, 'our baby is about size of my fist', I looked at my fist countless times imagining my baby.


'I promise you baby, by the time you come into my hands, I will earn your mom's trust and make her forget bitter past. I will give you a big happy family - parents, paternal family and maternal family too'

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