"I'm sorry," she separated, bowing immediately.

"It's alright," his smooth voice said again, gently pulling her up from her bowing position. And once again she became struck by his refined yet genuine soft smile "I wasn't careful" he added, looking intently at her. (Y/n) didn't realize his eyes were set on her as much as hers were on him, but after a long while of silence, she finally was aware of the weird situation. So once again, she bowed, apologizing for wasting his time, and quickly passed him by to get inside Kurva's office.

As soon as (Y/n) got into the office she was welcomed by Kurva who explained to her in more detail how would her first job be and what were the things she should have in mind. She explained to (Y/n) that Lina and she would have lunch with three very well-acquainted men. Although to be fair, only one of them was of importance.

"His name is Soo-Yun," she kept giving her the information she thought necessary "He is the young Lord of the Land of River" (Y/n) blinked twice not only astonished by such a title but also because she had heard of big lands such as the Land of Wind were Suna's ninja were, or the Land of Lightning where Kumo's ninja was. But never the Land of River "It's a smaller country but it's right between the Land of Wind and Fire border. Anyone that wants to go one way or another must pass the Land of River," Kurva explained, seeming to have caught on (Y/n)'s ignorance. How she did though, (Y/n) didn't know, as Kurva had been preparing tea since she entered her office, therefore not sparing a single glance to the (h/c)-haired girl "Soo-Yun's father died last year, so he became the youngest Lord of the continent being only 21-years-old. Many people still oppose him despite his Land's growth since he became the leader" she continued to explain, serving herself more tea "I won't tell you the real reason why they're here"

"What? Why?" (Y/n) asked with a dumbfounded expression. She didn't understand how she was to carry out her job without all the information. Although to be honest, she still wasn't quite sure of what she had to do.

"You're not experienced enough, so I believe if you knew you would be conditioned to act unnaturally. I think you have more chances of excelling by being yourself" she said, finally looking at (Y/n) with her usual cunning smile that made (Y/n) swallow. It also made her not insist further on knowing all the details.

"And what exactly do I have to do?" she finally asked.

"Just engage in the conversation whenever you're required to, pretty much like you saw last time," she said as if it was the simplest thing to do. But it didn't help ease (Y/n)'s nerves, in fact, she found herself even more unsure than before "The only thing you have to do is be yourself, and whenever you're not sure, copy what Lina does. She is there to assist you in case you need anything," was the only thing she added. But again, it didn't resolve any of (Y/n)'s doubts.

Was it too late to back down now? (Y/n) thought perhaps. But was she willing to prove she could do it? To prove Kakashi wrong, prove to his father her worth, and prove to herself that she was able to have a real job? Absolutely. So after a few more words were exchanged, Lina came to pick her up.

She instructed her to follow her and took her to a room in order to pick some clothes for her with the help of a bunch of chambermaids. At first, (Y/n) was scared about what they would make her wear. She remembered the outfit Lina wore last time when Kakashi and her watched her work, how slightly revealing it was... She didn't want to wear anything like that. But she relaxed as soon as they made her try a traditional yet fashionable kimono that went with her skin tone and even eye and hair color. It was then that she realized that Lina was wearing an outfit similar as well. Even if Lina's was a little bolder than hers, it still had an elegant air to it.

During all the time Lina didn't talk a lot, nor seemed to be willing to. But at the same time, she seemed nice and almost even excited to have (Y/n). So despite how intimidating her golden straight eyes were, (Y/n) found herself quite comfortable and safe with her around. Even though when the moment of meeting Soo-Yun and his men came she started to feel jittery again.

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