Tickets To My Downfall

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Juliet's POV:

I had felt this uncomfortable feeling all week. It felt like I was being watched and it had started making me paranoid. All the bad things I'd done were now playing heavily on my mind. Andy had stopped looking into Charlee's death which had taken a weight off my shoulders. Today Andy was having boys day at Ronnie's. Which for me meant I had time to go do my own digging. As I drove towards my destination I felt uneasy again. The black porche that drove behind me was starting to freak me out. Stepping on the gas I make a few turns and keep an eye out for the car. Thankfully the car didn't follow me. As I make it back onto the right route I see the car two cars away from me. Must just be going to the same area. Turning on the radio I catch an interview by one of my new favorite artists.

"Earlier this week we got a chance to speak with miss Emilyn so here's that for you." The radio host says before it goes into a pre recorded audio.

"Thanks for having me on the station." Emilyn says and it goes through some chit chat about music and albums. What was asked next had gained my full attention.

"Now your sound is very unique and as of recent fans have compared you heavily to the powerhouse singer Charlee Monroe. How do comments like that affect your image?" The radio host asks and Emilyn chuckles.

"In this industry so many of us are inspired by others in the field. For me it doesn't affect me. I actually find it sweet. A lot of my fans gravitated to me because of Charlee. I myself was a fan of hers and in a way I wanted to keep her memory alive." Emilyn says

"So she has been a big influence in your music and style?" The host asks

"Oh absolutely." She says. The interview goes for another five minutes before a new song starts playing. I listen to the song and it stood out to me much more clearly. The song was a slow piano piece and as I take in the lyrics I think about Charlee.

"I hope your parents hear this, so they see just who you are
'Cause I kept my mouth shut, and I played my stupid part
But you don't get to say that, oh, it just didn't work out
While I'm crying on the floor, contemplating getting out and

Your words cut me
Like razors from your teeth and
Your words fucked me
So bad, I'm still sorry that
I'm not your type, ooh

Three years gone by, did I forget to mention?
Almost your wife, ooh
You run and hide if it's not fuckin' perfect
Go and tell me that you hated every minute
That you took my clothes off and I let you inside
Stupid boy, you take that shit down to your grave
'Cause your words hurt more than pain, if you need advice
Next time, just lie, next time just lie
And you came out the good guy while I had to play pretend
That we're better off as exes, I'm okay with being friends (ooh)
But I hate your fucking guts, flew halfway 'round the world
Looked at rings in Italy, oh God, we were so good
But you don't do that shit if you don't really mean it (ooh)
Then you turn around and tell me that you didn't feel it?
Ooh, ooh
Next time, just lie." The song comes to an end and I realized I'd been crying. I hadn't cried since the mourning party for Charlee. These words were so deep and it made my heart ache. I messed up and the guilt was seeping out of me now. Charlee didn't deserve the love she received. I was horrible to her and now that I am thinking about it, I regret how poorly I treated her. Andy loved her because she was so worthy of it and yet I never sore it. How hadn't I seen it? The way she pleased me first, how she greeted me first, everything she did there was always a consistent pattern of her putting me first. Her love was far more gentle with me, Andy was loved differently because she wanted to show that she loved us both and respected that we weren't the same. Oh my god I killed her. The tears streaming down my face now.

"Your destination is on the left." My navigation system speaks to me breaking me from my thoughts. I hadn't realized how much I was thinking about until two hours of driving felt like 5 minutes. Getting out of the car I feel a sharp blow to my head. With that everything goes black.

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