A Heart Doesn't Beat On It's Own

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Juliet's POV

I woke up in the hotel room feeling alone. It's been a few days since I last heard from Andy and I know he's in the studio recording but we haven't gone this long without talking. I'd spoken with Charlee more than I had my fiance and it was starting to bother me. I was homesick and I missed my cats and I missed my white rabbit. Rise had made me go on a trip, giving me a lot of space to write and record without distractions. It was all paid for and it was nice to have a holiday while on work. However, I was so lost. I didn't know what was happening with this relationship and I didn't know if my anxiety would even let it happen. Grabbing my phone off the night stand I go onto Twitter to update my fans of the record progression when I'm flooded with all these tabloids.

Andy Biersack spotted with Charlee Monroe at a dinner. Could he be cheating?

Charlee Monroe saw in the recording studio with Black Veil Brides could they be working on something?

Andy Biersack was spotted with bruises on his neck and fans think he's been getting it on with Charlee Monroe.

Charlee Monroe was seen wearing a new ring who's the mystery man?

My heart starts racing and I felt the tears welling up. My worst nightmare flashed through tabloids on my phone. I go into my contacts and call Andy I needed to get to the bottom of this. The phone picks up and Andy's morning voice comes through the speaker making me smile. Oh, how I've missed it.

"Hey dragonfly, what's up?" Andy asks

"Not much it seems you've been busy," I say harshly

"What?" He asks annoyed

"Have you not seen Twitter?" I ask

"No Juliet I've only just been woken up and received your attitude." He says angrily. The tears start to trickle down my cheeks.

"Well look," I say bluntly and I hear him shuffle around a little before he starts talking again.

"Juliet I don't understand what your trying to ask or accuse me of. I see what's being posted but that's tabloids for you. How many times have you read that Ashley and I are having an affair?" He asks and I sigh. That was true the fans always speculated that between them. I guess I was just being overly paranoid or had a bad case of guilty conscience.

"What about the bruises on the neck that people were saying are hickey's?" I ask

"I tried a stupid hack where you use a whisk to rub out knots in your neck. It didn't work and even the guys laughed about it. Anything else I can clear up?" Andy asks still annoyed with me

"What about Charlee being engaged? And why you've been so distant and weird lately?" I ask

"I'm in the studio recording there isn't a whole lot of time to talk especially since we've made a rule to not use phones during recording to keep us all concentrated. As for Charlee's ring what about it?" He states and I felt stupid to question him.

"Is she engaged?" I ask through my tears.

"No! The ring is a promise ring to herself that she brought." Andy says

"I'm sorry." I cry

"You should be, there was no need for that instant attitude. It just seems like you want to believe the tabloids." He says and I let out a sob. There was no empathy from him whatsoever, he was just cold. I guess I deserved it though there was no need to be a bitch straight up.

"Well, what am I supposed to think, every girl is always trying to get into your pants! I'm in Florida and haven't heard from you in four days, you've gone to dinners with Charlee, she's been to the studio, and with you having hickey like bruises and her now wearing an engagement ring it doesn't look innocent Andy!" I shout through tears.

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