How To Kill Me

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Charlee's POV:

I had been feeling all sorts of emotions over the two weeks. Juliet and Andy had called it back on and at first I thought it was fine. Turns out word got back to Juliet's parents and they weren't too thrilled on the idea. I'd received death threats from her father, notes were left in my bus and I had lots of hate messages sent to my inbox. I was distancing myself as much as I could from the two but it seemed it wasn't enough. It felt like a bounty had been put on my head. I needed to call it off. Willow and Rory were going to be here any minute now and I couldn't have this drama around the girls. Maybe I should have kept the relationship Ronnie and I started. It seemed less dangerous to love him. Getting dressed I walk over to Andy's bus where thankfully I found Juliet also. His eyes light up and I give him a sad smile. Juliet seemed in a feisty mood and was instantly on the defense.

"What's up your ass today?" I ask. She laughs getting up and nudges past me. Grabbing her hand she turns around and smashes the beer bottle across my face. Stumbling back a little I hold my aching face and try to remain calm.

"It's over. I can't do this anymore." I say and she laughs closing the gap between us.

"Told you she was obsessed. We were never back on fool. Just entertainment for a while." Juliet says harshly and I felt it cut deeper than a knife. I was played all over again. Why didn't I just listen to myself or Ronnie for that matter.

"Is that true?" I ask looking at Andy who gave me a sad smile. Wow they really had changed for the worst.

"I'm sorry." Andy starts but I shake my head before punching him in the face.

"Don't fucking sorry me! Your just as pathetic as her! You belong together, rotting in a six foot hole!" I shout before Juliet lunged at me. Her grip around my neck intended to kill. For a moment I entertained it but then I thought about my daughter. Using all my force I push her off me before hitting her so hard she blacks out. Looking at the damage I caused I pause for a moment. I look from her unconscious body to Andy who looked at me in utter shock. He was petrified.

"You need to leave." He says softly. I go to help her into the bus but he pushed me away from her.

"Leave!" He screams and I take off to Ronnie's bus. I was freaking out and this instant sense of doom loomed over my head. As I got to the bus door I hear Willow asking for me. I knew she couldn't see me like this.

Charlee: I'll answer questions later but I need to clean up my face.

Ronnie: What the fuck happened? Where are you?

Charlee: Out side your bus.

"Go to uncle Jacky please Willow. He's got some candy in his bunk." Ronnie says and I hear Willows little feet run down the hall. The door opens and Ronnie's face said it all. I'm quickly locked in the bathroom and I just let it all out. Tears of heart ache and tears of unbearable pain. Ronnie makes no hesitation to assist and clean up my wounds.

"Who did this?" He asks and I sigh. That sigh was all he needed to hear before he grabs his phone and calls someone.

"Ah Ballsack nice to hear your still breathing! If your psychotic wife touches Charlee again I will end your life. Understand?!" Ronnie threatens before hanging up on Andy. I felt a little turned on that he defended me but Willow had clicked on that we were in the bathroom. Her little hands pounded on the door and I was so excited to see her. Opening the door she jumps up and down waiting for me to pick her up.

"Hello my little angel I've missed you!" I say allowing my child like side to come out. It's been a few months since I last sore her and she had loads to catch me up on. Like the seven hundred tea parties she had with Sally and Rory, the seven different slides she went down this week alone, the new kids at her kindergarten and way too much for my throbbing head to handle. Despite the pain, I smile and listen to her stories. It's what you do when your an aunty. Ronnie sits next to me and rests his head on my shoulder.

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