Trust Issues

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Andy's POV:

I hadn't heard from Charlee since the call with Juliet. I'd remained blocked on everything and I hated it. I wanted to be able to message her everyday and hear her voice. It was going to take time though before she fully let me in. Even though I hadn't heard from her the call was enough. It only pushed me to work on myself to mend the bridges I burned along the way. I wanted to be better, to do better for my loves. As we drove to the airport all packed up and ready to head home to our loved ones I grew more and more excited. Would Charlee be at home waiting for me? The guys were all in high spirits and everything had gone back to normal. No grudges, no arguments.

"I'm a terrible partner." CC says and I raise my eyebrow.

"How? Your the most loving soul out here." I say and he chuckles.

"I'm more excited to catch up with Charlee then I am to see my partner." He laughs and I nod. I take it he was seeing her before I got to.

"She meeting you at the airport?" I ask

"I don't know she just said see you soon fuck head." He says and we all laugh. That was her nickname for CC after she cursed him out one night drunker then a skunk.

~ Flashback ~

We stumbled back to the bus after a long day and night of drinking. It was our last night of on the tour before we hit the next 6 weeks back to back shows.

"I can't feel my legs!" CC shouts as he holds the lamp post. We all start laughing but keep walking. If I stopped now I wouldn't make it back to the bus.

"Get on my back I'll carry you." Charlee says. Catching up to us I smack CC's ass and he lets out a playful moan making us laugh more.

"I can now say I've moaned on Charlee." He giggles as we walk across the car park.

"Why does my back feel wet?" Charlee asks dropping CC instantly.

"I think I peed." He says and she storms off. Helping CC up Jake and I carry him to the bus which thankfully was not too far away now. Getting in Charlee was in the shower and swearing to herself.

"Mother fucker pissed on me!" She shouts and we laugh.

"Hurry up pissy pants needs a shower too!" Jake shouts at the bathroom door.

"Mate I'm gonna drown the fuck head. Piss on my back!" She slurs and we all just fall to our knees laughing. The water shuts off and Charlee walks out in just a towel.

"Fell better?" I ask and she frowns at me. Well I take that as a no.

"You lot can deal with that I'm going to bed." She says walking up to our bunk and climbing in.

~ end of flash back ~

"Have you spoken to Charlee yet?" Jake asks me and I sigh.

"Briefly when she was at ours and I called Juliet. I don't think she intended to talk with me but." I say and he pats my knee.

"At least you got something." He says and I nod.

"Bastard!" Ashley says and I raise an eyebrow.

"What?" I ask

"You were on the facetime with her when I got threatened." He says and I burst out laughing.

"Wait that's when you spoke to her? Why didn't you say something?" Jinxx asks and I hold my hands up in surrender.

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